Interface FieldCache

public interface FieldCache

Expert: Maintains caches of term values.

Created: May 19, 2004 11:13:14 AM

lucene 1.4
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static interface FieldCache.ByteParser
          Interface to parse bytes from document fields.
static class FieldCache.CacheEntry
          EXPERT: A unique Identifier/Description for each item in the FieldCache.
static class FieldCache.CreationPlaceholder
static interface FieldCache.DoubleParser
          Interface to parse doubles from document fields.
static interface FieldCache.FloatParser
          Interface to parse floats from document fields.
static interface FieldCache.IntParser
          Interface to parse ints from document fields.
static interface FieldCache.LongParser
          Interface to parse long from document fields.
static interface FieldCache.Parser
          Marker interface as super-interface to all parsers.
static interface FieldCache.ShortParser
          Interface to parse shorts from document fields.
static class FieldCache.StringIndex
          Expert: Stores term text values and document ordering data.
Field Summary
static FieldCache DEFAULT
          Expert: The cache used internally by sorting and range query classes.
static FieldCache.ByteParser DEFAULT_BYTE_PARSER
          The default parser for byte values, which are encoded by Byte.toString(byte)
static FieldCache.DoubleParser DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PARSER
          The default parser for double values, which are encoded by Double.toString(double)
static FieldCache.FloatParser DEFAULT_FLOAT_PARSER
          The default parser for float values, which are encoded by Float.toString(float)
static FieldCache.IntParser DEFAULT_INT_PARSER
          The default parser for int values, which are encoded by Integer.toString(int)
static FieldCache.LongParser DEFAULT_LONG_PARSER
          The default parser for long values, which are encoded by Long.toString(long)
static FieldCache.ShortParser DEFAULT_SHORT_PARSER
          The default parser for short values, which are encoded by Short.toString(short)
static FieldCache.DoubleParser NUMERIC_UTILS_DOUBLE_PARSER
          A parser instance for double values encoded with NumericUtils, e.g.
static FieldCache.FloatParser NUMERIC_UTILS_FLOAT_PARSER
          A parser instance for float values encoded with NumericUtils, e.g.
static FieldCache.IntParser NUMERIC_UTILS_INT_PARSER
          A parser instance for int values encoded by NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(int), e.g.
static FieldCache.LongParser NUMERIC_UTILS_LONG_PARSER
          A parser instance for long values encoded by NumericUtils.longToPrefixCoded(long), e.g.
static int STRING_INDEX
          Indicator for StringIndex values in the cache.
Method Summary
 byte[] getBytes(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as a single byte and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 byte[] getBytes(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.ByteParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as bytes and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 FieldCache.CacheEntry[] getCacheEntries()
          EXPERT: Generates an array of CacheEntry objects representing all items currently in the FieldCache.
 double[] getDoubles(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 double[] getDoubles(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.DoubleParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as doubles and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 float[] getFloats(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 float[] getFloats(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.FloatParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 PrintStream getInfoStream()
          counterpart of setInfoStream(PrintStream)
 int[] getInts(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 int[] getInts(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.IntParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 long[] getLongs(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as longs and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 long[] getLongs(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.LongParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as longs and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 short[] getShorts(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as shorts and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 short[] getShorts(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.ShortParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as shorts and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 FieldCache.StringIndex getStringIndex(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads the term values in field and returns an array of them in natural order, along with an array telling which element in the term array each document uses.
 String[] getStrings(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the term values in field and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() containing the value each document has in the given field.
 void purge(IndexReader r)
          Expert: drops all cache entries associated with this reader.
 void purgeAllCaches()
           EXPERT: Instructs the FieldCache to forcibly expunge all entries from the underlying caches.
 void setInfoStream(PrintStream stream)
          If non-null, FieldCacheImpl will warn whenever entries are created that are not sane according to FieldCacheSanityChecker.

Field Detail


static final int STRING_INDEX
Indicator for StringIndex values in the cache.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final FieldCache DEFAULT
Expert: The cache used internally by sorting and range query classes.


static final FieldCache.ByteParser DEFAULT_BYTE_PARSER
The default parser for byte values, which are encoded by Byte.toString(byte)


static final FieldCache.ShortParser DEFAULT_SHORT_PARSER
The default parser for short values, which are encoded by Short.toString(short)


static final FieldCache.IntParser DEFAULT_INT_PARSER
The default parser for int values, which are encoded by Integer.toString(int)


static final FieldCache.FloatParser DEFAULT_FLOAT_PARSER
The default parser for float values, which are encoded by Float.toString(float)


static final FieldCache.LongParser DEFAULT_LONG_PARSER
The default parser for long values, which are encoded by Long.toString(long)


static final FieldCache.DoubleParser DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PARSER
The default parser for double values, which are encoded by Double.toString(double)


static final FieldCache.IntParser NUMERIC_UTILS_INT_PARSER
A parser instance for int values encoded by NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(int), e.g. when indexed via NumericField/NumericTokenStream.


static final FieldCache.FloatParser NUMERIC_UTILS_FLOAT_PARSER
A parser instance for float values encoded with NumericUtils, e.g. when indexed via NumericField/NumericTokenStream.


static final FieldCache.LongParser NUMERIC_UTILS_LONG_PARSER
A parser instance for long values encoded by NumericUtils.longToPrefixCoded(long), e.g. when indexed via NumericField/NumericTokenStream.


static final FieldCache.DoubleParser NUMERIC_UTILS_DOUBLE_PARSER
A parser instance for double values encoded with NumericUtils, e.g. when indexed via NumericField/NumericTokenStream.

Method Detail


byte[] getBytes(IndexReader reader,
                String field)
                throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as a single byte and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the single byte values.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


byte[] getBytes(IndexReader reader,
                String field,
                FieldCache.ByteParser parser)
                throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as bytes and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the bytes.
parser - Computes byte for string values.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


short[] getShorts(IndexReader reader,
                  String field)
                  throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as shorts and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the shorts.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


short[] getShorts(IndexReader reader,
                  String field,
                  FieldCache.ShortParser parser)
                  throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as shorts and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the shorts.
parser - Computes short for string values.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


int[] getInts(IndexReader reader,
              String field)
              throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the integers.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


int[] getInts(IndexReader reader,
              String field,
              FieldCache.IntParser parser)
              throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the integers.
parser - Computes integer for string values.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


float[] getFloats(IndexReader reader,
                  String field)
                  throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the floats.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


float[] getFloats(IndexReader reader,
                  String field,
                  FieldCache.FloatParser parser)
                  throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the floats.
parser - Computes float for string values.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


long[] getLongs(IndexReader reader,
                String field)
                throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as longs and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the longs.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


long[] getLongs(IndexReader reader,
                String field,
                FieldCache.LongParser parser)
                throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as longs and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the longs.
parser - Computes integer for string values.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


double[] getDoubles(IndexReader reader,
                    String field)
                    throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the doubles.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


double[] getDoubles(IndexReader reader,
                    String field,
                    FieldCache.DoubleParser parser)
                    throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as doubles and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the doubles.
parser - Computes integer for string values.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


String[] getStrings(IndexReader reader,
                    String field)
                    throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the term values in field and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() containing the value each document has in the given field.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the strings.
The values in the given field for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


FieldCache.StringIndex getStringIndex(IndexReader reader,
                                      String field)
                                      throws IOException
Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads the term values in field and returns an array of them in natural order, along with an array telling which element in the term array each document uses.

reader - Used to get field values.
field - Which field contains the strings.
Array of terms and index into the array for each document.
IOException - If any error occurs.


FieldCache.CacheEntry[] getCacheEntries()
EXPERT: Generates an array of CacheEntry objects representing all items currently in the FieldCache.

NOTE: These CacheEntry objects maintain a strong reference to the Cached Values. Maintaining references to a CacheEntry the IndexReader associated with it has garbage collected will prevent the Value itself from being garbage collected when the Cache drops the WeakReference.

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.


void purgeAllCaches()

EXPERT: Instructs the FieldCache to forcibly expunge all entries from the underlying caches. This is intended only to be used for test methods as a way to ensure a known base state of the Cache (with out needing to rely on GC to free WeakReferences). It should not be relied on for "Cache maintenance" in general application code.

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.


void purge(IndexReader r)
Expert: drops all cache entries associated with this reader. NOTE: this reader must precisely match the reader that the cache entry is keyed on. If you pass a top-level reader, it usually will have no effect as Lucene now caches at the segment reader level.


void setInfoStream(PrintStream stream)
If non-null, FieldCacheImpl will warn whenever entries are created that are not sane according to FieldCacheSanityChecker.


PrintStream getInfoStream()
counterpart of setInfoStream(PrintStream)

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