Packages that use Analyzer | |
org.apache.lucene.analysis | API and code to convert text into indexable/searchable tokens. |
org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard | The org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard package contains three
fast grammar-based tokenizers constructed with JFlex: |
org.apache.lucene.collation |
converts each token into its binary CollationKey using the
provided Collator , and then encode the CollationKey
as a String using
IndexableBinaryStringTools , to allow it to be
stored as an index term. |
org.apache.lucene.index | Code to maintain and access indices. |
org.apache.lucene.queryParser | A simple query parser implemented with JavaCC. |
org.apache.lucene.search | Code to search indices. |
Uses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.analysis |
Subclasses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.analysis | |
class |
"Tokenizes" the entire stream as a single token. |
class |
This Analyzer limits the number of tokens while indexing. |
class |
This analyzer is used to facilitate scenarios where different fields require different analysis techniques. |
class |
An convenience subclass of Analyzer that makes it easy to implement TokenStream reuse. |
class |
An Analyzer that filters LetterTokenizer
with LowerCaseFilter |
class |
Filters LetterTokenizer with LowerCaseFilter and StopFilter . |
class |
Base class for Analyzers that need to make use of stopword sets. |
class |
An Analyzer that uses WhitespaceTokenizer . |
Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis with parameters of type Analyzer | |
void |
PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper.addAnalyzer(String fieldName,
Analyzer analyzer)
Defines an analyzer to use for the specified field. |
Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis with parameters of type Analyzer | |
LimitTokenCountAnalyzer(Analyzer delegate,
int maxTokenCount)
Build an analyzer that limits the maximum number of tokens per field. |
PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(Analyzer defaultAnalyzer)
Constructs with default analyzer. |
PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(Analyzer defaultAnalyzer,
Map<String,Analyzer> fieldAnalyzers)
Constructs with default analyzer and a map of analyzers to use for specific fields. |
Constructor parameters in org.apache.lucene.analysis with type arguments of type Analyzer | |
PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(Analyzer defaultAnalyzer,
Map<String,Analyzer> fieldAnalyzers)
Constructs with default analyzer and a map of analyzers to use for specific fields. |
Uses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard |
Subclasses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard | |
class |
Filters ClassicTokenizer with ClassicFilter , LowerCaseFilter and StopFilter , using a list of
English stop words. |
class |
Filters StandardTokenizer with StandardFilter , LowerCaseFilter and StopFilter , using a list of
English stop words. |
Uses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.collation |
Subclasses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.collation | |
class |
Filters KeywordTokenizer with CollationKeyFilter . |
Uses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.index |
Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return Analyzer | |
Analyzer |
Returns the analyzer used by this index. |
Analyzer |
Returns the default analyzer to use for indexing documents. |
Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Analyzer | |
void |
IndexWriter.addDocument(Document doc,
Analyzer analyzer)
Adds a document to this index, using the provided analyzer instead of the value of IndexWriter.getAnalyzer() . |
void |
IndexWriter.addDocuments(Collection<Document> docs,
Analyzer analyzer)
Atomically adds a block of documents, analyzed using the provided analyzer, with sequentially assigned document IDs, such that an external reader will see all or none of the documents. |
void |
IndexWriter.updateDocument(Term term,
Document doc,
Analyzer analyzer)
Updates a document by first deleting the document(s) containing term and then adding the new
document. |
void |
IndexWriter.updateDocuments(Term delTerm,
Collection<Document> docs,
Analyzer analyzer)
Atomically deletes documents matching the provided delTerm and adds a block of documents, analyzed using the provided analyzer, with sequentially assigned document IDs, such that an external reader will see all or none of the documents. |
Uses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.queryParser |
Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser that return Analyzer | |
Analyzer |
Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser with parameters of type Analyzer | |
static Query |
MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion,
String[] queries,
String[] fields,
Analyzer analyzer)
Parses a query which searches on the fields specified. |
static Query |
MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion,
String[] queries,
String[] fields,
BooleanClause.Occur[] flags,
Analyzer analyzer)
Parses a query, searching on the fields specified. |
static Query |
MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion,
String query,
String[] fields,
BooleanClause.Occur[] flags,
Analyzer analyzer)
Parses a query, searching on the fields specified. |
Constructors in org.apache.lucene.queryParser with parameters of type Analyzer | |
MultiFieldQueryParser(Version matchVersion,
String[] fields,
Analyzer analyzer)
Creates a MultiFieldQueryParser. |
MultiFieldQueryParser(Version matchVersion,
String[] fields,
Analyzer analyzer,
Map<String,Float> boosts)
Creates a MultiFieldQueryParser. |
QueryParser(Version matchVersion,
String f,
Analyzer a)
Constructs a query parser. |
Uses of Analyzer in org.apache.lucene.search |
Constructors in org.apache.lucene.search with parameters of type Analyzer | |
QueryTermVector(String queryString,
Analyzer analyzer)