Interface Summary | |
Attribute | Base interface for attributes. |
AttributeReflector | This interface is used to reflect contents of AttributeSource or AttributeImpl . |
Class Summary | |
ArrayUtil | Methods for manipulating arrays. |
AttributeImpl | Base class for Attributes that can be added to a
AttributeSource . |
AttributeSource | An AttributeSource contains a list of different AttributeImpl s,
and methods to add and get them. |
AttributeSource.AttributeFactory | An AttributeFactory creates instances of AttributeImpl s. |
AttributeSource.State | This class holds the state of an AttributeSource. |
AverageGuessMemoryModel | An average, best guess, MemoryModel that should work okay on most systems. |
BitUtil | A variety of high efficiency bit twiddling routines. |
BitVector | Optimized implementation of a vector of bits. |
CharacterUtils | CharacterUtils provides a unified interface to Character-related
operations to implement backwards compatible character operations based on a
Version instance. |
CharacterUtils.CharacterBuffer | A simple IO buffer to use with
CharacterUtils.fill(CharacterBuffer, Reader) . |
CloseableThreadLocal<T> | Java's builtin ThreadLocal has a serious flaw: it can take an arbitrarily long amount of time to dereference the things you had stored in it, even once the ThreadLocal instance itself is no longer referenced. |
CollectionUtil | Methods for manipulating (sorting) collections. |
Constants | Some useful constants. |
DocIdBitSet | Simple DocIdSet and DocIdSetIterator backed by a BitSet |
DoubleBarrelLRUCache<K extends DoubleBarrelLRUCache.CloneableKey,V> | Simple concurrent LRU cache, using a "double barrel" approach where two ConcurrentHashMaps record entries. |
DoubleBarrelLRUCache.CloneableKey | |
DummyConcurrentLock | A dummy lock as a replacement for ReentrantLock to disable locking |
English | |
FieldCacheSanityChecker | Provides methods for sanity checking that entries in the FieldCache are not wasteful or inconsistent. |
FieldCacheSanityChecker.Insanity | Simple container for a collection of related CacheEntry objects that in conjunction with each other represent some "insane" usage of the FieldCache. |
FieldCacheSanityChecker.InsanityType | An Enumeration of the different types of "insane" behavior that may be detected in a FieldCache. |
IndexableBinaryStringTools | Provides support for converting byte sequences to Strings and back again. |
IOUtils | |
MapBackedSet<E> | A Set implementation that wraps an actual Map based implementation. |
MapOfSets<K,V> | Helper class for keeping Lists of Objects associated with keys. |
MemoryModel | Returns primitive memory sizes for estimating RAM usage. |
NamedThreadFactory | A default ThreadFactory implementation that accepts the name prefix
of the created threads as a constructor argument. |
NumericUtils | This is a helper class to generate prefix-encoded representations for numerical values and supplies converters to represent float/double values as sortable integers/longs. |
NumericUtils.IntRangeBuilder | Expert: Callback for NumericUtils.splitIntRange(org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils.IntRangeBuilder, int, int, int) . |
NumericUtils.LongRangeBuilder | Expert: Callback for NumericUtils.splitLongRange(org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils.LongRangeBuilder, int, long, long) . |
OpenBitSet | An "open" BitSet implementation that allows direct access to the array of words storing the bits. |
OpenBitSetDISI | |
OpenBitSetIterator | An iterator to iterate over set bits in an OpenBitSet. |
Parameter | Deprecated. Use Java 5 enum, will be removed in a later Lucene 3.x release. |
PriorityQueue<T> | A PriorityQueue maintains a partial ordering of its elements such that the least element can always be found in constant time. |
RamUsageEstimator | Estimates the size of a given Object using a given MemoryModel for primitive size information. |
ReaderUtil | Common util methods for dealing with IndexReader s. |
ReaderUtil.Gather | Recursively visits all sub-readers of a reader. |
ScorerDocQueue | A ScorerDocQueue maintains a partial ordering of its Scorers such that the least Scorer can always be found in constant time. |
SetOnce<T> | A convenient class which offers a semi-immutable object wrapper implementation which allows one to set the value of an object exactly once, and retrieve it many times. |
SimpleStringInterner | Simple lockless and memory barrier free String intern cache that is guaranteed to return the same String instance as String.intern() does. |
SmallFloat | Floating point numbers smaller than 32 bits. |
SortedVIntList | Stores and iterate on sorted integers in compressed form in RAM. |
SorterTemplate | This class was inspired by CGLIB, but provides a better QuickSort algorithm without additional InsertionSort at the end. |
StringHelper | Methods for manipulating strings. |
StringInterner | Subclasses of StringInterner are required to return the same single String object for all equal strings. |
ToStringUtils | Helper methods to ease implementing Object.toString() . |
UnicodeUtil | Class to encode java's UTF16 char[] into UTF8 byte[] without always allocating a new byte[] as String.getBytes("UTF-8") does. |
UnicodeUtil.UTF16Result | |
UnicodeUtil.UTF8Result | |
VirtualMethod<C> | A utility for keeping backwards compatibility on previously abstract methods (or similar replacements). |
Enum Summary | |
Version | Use by certain classes to match version compatibility across releases of Lucene. |
Exception Summary | |
SetOnce.AlreadySetException | Thrown when SetOnce.set(Object) is called more than once. |
ThreadInterruptedException | Thrown by lucene on detecting that Thread.interrupt() had been called. |
Some utility classes.