Interface Fragmenter

All Known Implementing Classes:
NullFragmenter, SimpleFragmenter, SimpleSpanFragmenter

public interface Fragmenter

Implements the policy for breaking text into multiple fragments for consideration by the Highlighter class. A sophisticated implementation may do this on the basis of detecting end of sentences in the text.

Method Summary
 boolean isNewFragment()
          Test to see if this token from the stream should be held in a new TextFragment.
 void start(String originalText, TokenStream tokenStream)
          Initializes the Fragmenter.

Method Detail


void start(String originalText,
           TokenStream tokenStream)
Initializes the Fragmenter. You can grab references to the Attributes you are interested in from tokenStream and then access the values in isNewFragment().

originalText - the original source text
tokenStream - the TokenStream to be fragmented


boolean isNewFragment()
Test to see if this token from the stream should be held in a new TextFragment. Every time this is called, the TokenStream passed to start(String, TokenStream) will have been incremented.

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