Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexCommit
org.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access indices. 

Uses of IndexCommit in org.apache.lucene.index

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return IndexCommit
 IndexCommit IndexReader.getIndexCommit()
          Expert: return the IndexCommit that this reader has opened.
 IndexCommit SnapshotDeletionPolicy.snapshot()
          Take a snapshot of the most recent commit to the index.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return types with arguments of type IndexCommit
static Collection<IndexCommit> IndexReader.listCommits(Directory dir)
          Returns all commit points that exist in the Directory.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type IndexCommit
static IndexReader commit, boolean readOnly)
          Expert: returns an IndexReader reading the index in the given IndexCommit.
static IndexReader commit, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, boolean readOnly)
          Expert: returns an IndexReader reading the index in the given Directory, using a specific commit and with a custom IndexDeletionPolicy.
static IndexReader commit, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, boolean readOnly, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
          Expert: returns an IndexReader reading the index in the given Directory, using a specific commit and with a custom IndexDeletionPolicy.
 IndexReader IndexReader.reopen(IndexCommit commit)
          Expert: reopen this reader on a specific commit point.
 Object commit)

Method parameters in org.apache.lucene.index with type arguments of type IndexCommit
 void SnapshotDeletionPolicy.onCommit(List<? extends IndexCommit> commits)
 void KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy.onCommit(List<? extends IndexCommit> commits)
          Deletes all commits except the most recent one.
 void IndexDeletionPolicy.onCommit(List<? extends IndexCommit> commits)
          This is called each time the writer completed a commit.
 void SnapshotDeletionPolicy.onInit(List<? extends IndexCommit> commits)
 void KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy.onInit(List<? extends IndexCommit> commits)
          Deletes all commits except the most recent one.
 void IndexDeletionPolicy.onInit(List<? extends IndexCommit> commits)
          This is called once when a writer is first instantiated to give the policy a chance to remove old commit points.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type IndexCommit
IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength mfl, IndexCommit commit)
          Expert: constructs an IndexWriter on specific commit point, with a custom IndexDeletionPolicy, for the index in d.

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