Uses of Interface

Packages that use DocList
org.apache.solr.handler Concrete implementations of SolrRequestHandler 
org.apache.solr.handler.component SearchComponent implementations for use in SearchHandler 
org.apache.solr.highlight SolrHighlighter API and related implementaions and utilities 
org.apache.solr.response API and implementations of QueryResponseWriter for formating Solr request responses APIs and classes for parsing and processing search requests 
org.apache.solr.util Common utility classes used throughout Solr 

Uses of DocList in org.apache.solr.handler

Methods in org.apache.solr.handler that return types with arguments of type DocList
 NamedList<DocList> MoreLikeThisHandler.MoreLikeThisHelper.getMoreLikeThese(DocList docs, int rows, int flags)

Methods in org.apache.solr.handler with parameters of type DocList
 NamedList<DocList> MoreLikeThisHandler.MoreLikeThisHelper.getMoreLikeThese(DocList docs, int rows, int flags)
 NamedList<BooleanQuery> MoreLikeThisHandler.MoreLikeThisHelper.getMoreLikeTheseQuery(DocList docs)

Uses of DocList in org.apache.solr.handler.component

Methods in org.apache.solr.handler.component with parameters of type DocList
protected  void ResponseLogComponent.processIds(ResponseBuilder rb, DocList dl, IndexSchema schema, SolrIndexSearcher searcher)
protected  void ResponseLogComponent.processScores(ResponseBuilder rb, DocList dl, IndexSchema schema, SolrIndexSearcher searcher)

Uses of DocList in org.apache.solr.highlight

Methods in org.apache.solr.highlight with parameters of type DocList
abstract  NamedList<Object> SolrHighlighter.doHighlighting(DocList docs, Query query, SolrQueryRequest req, String[] defaultFields)
          Generates a list of Highlighted query fragments for each item in a list of documents, or returns null if highlighting is disabled.
 NamedList<Object> DefaultSolrHighlighter.doHighlighting(DocList docs, Query query, SolrQueryRequest req, String[] defaultFields)
          Generates a list of Highlighted query fragments for each item in a list of documents, or returns null if highlighting is disabled.
 NamedList<Object> PostingsSolrHighlighter.doHighlighting(DocList docs, Query query, SolrQueryRequest req, String[] defaultFields)
protected  int[] PostingsSolrHighlighter.toDocIDs(DocList docs)
          Converts solr's DocList to the int[] docIDs

Uses of DocList in org.apache.solr.response

Fields in org.apache.solr.response declared as DocList

Uses of DocList in

Classes in that implement DocList
 class DocSlice
          DocSlice implements DocList as an array of docids and optional scores.

Fields in declared as DocList
 DocList DocListAndSet.docList
 DocList Grouping.mainResult

Methods in that return DocList
protected  DocList Grouping.Command.createSimpleResponse()
 DocList SolrIndexSearcher.QueryResult.getDocList()
protected  DocList Grouping.Command.getDocList(GroupDocs groups)
 DocList SolrIndexSearcher.getDocList(Query query, DocSet filter, Sort lsort, int offset, int len)
          Returns documents matching both query and filter and sorted by sort.
 DocList SolrIndexSearcher.getDocList(Query query, List<Query> filterList, Sort lsort, int offset, int len, int flags)
          Returns documents matching both query and the intersection of the filterList, sorted by sort.
 DocList SolrIndexSearcher.getDocList(Query query, Query filter, Sort lsort, int offset, int len)
          Returns documents matching both query and filter and sorted by sort.
protected  DocList SolrIndexSearcher.sortDocSet(DocSet set, Sort sort, int nDocs)
 DocList DocList.subset(int offset, int len)
          Get a subset of an existing DocList.
 DocList DocSlice.subset(int offset, int len)

Methods in with parameters of type DocList
 Document[] SolrIndexSearcher.readDocs(DocList ids)
          Takes a list of docs (the doc ids actually), and returns an array of Documents containing all of the stored fields.
 void SolrIndexSearcher.readDocs(Document[] docs, DocList ids)
          Takes a list of docs (the doc ids actually), and reads them into an array of Documents.
 void SolrIndexSearcher.readDocs(Document[] docs, DocList ids, Set<String> fields)
          Takes a list of docs (the doc ids actually) and a set of fields to load, and reads them into an array of Documents.
 void SolrIndexSearcher.QueryResult.setDocList(DocList list)

Uses of DocList in org.apache.solr.util

Methods in org.apache.solr.util that return DocList
static DocList SolrPluginUtils.doSimpleQuery(String sreq, SolrQueryRequest req, int start, int limit)
          Executes a basic query

Methods in org.apache.solr.util with parameters of type DocList
static SolrDocumentList SolrPluginUtils.docListToSolrDocumentList(DocList docs, SolrIndexSearcher searcher, Set<String> fields, Map<SolrDocument,Integer> ids)
          Convert a DocList to a SolrDocumentList The optional param "ids" is populated with the lucene document id for each SolrDocument.
static NamedList SolrPluginUtils.doStandardDebug(SolrQueryRequest req, String userQuery, Query query, DocList results, boolean dbgQuery, boolean dbgResults)
           Returns a NamedList containing many "standard" pieces of debugging information.
static void SolrPluginUtils.doStandardResultsDebug(SolrQueryRequest req, Query query, DocList results, boolean dbgResults, NamedList dbg)
static NamedList<Explanation> SolrPluginUtils.getExplanations(Query query, DocList docs, SolrIndexSearcher searcher, IndexSchema schema)
          Generates an NamedList of Explanations for each item in a list of docs.
static void SolrPluginUtils.optimizePreFetchDocs(ResponseBuilder rb, DocList docs, Query query, SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse res)
          Pre-fetch documents into the index searcher's document cache.

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