Uses of Class

Packages that use DataSource
org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport DataImportHandler and related code. 

Uses of DataSource in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport

Subclasses of DataSource in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport
 class BinContentStreamDataSource
           A data source implementation which can be used to read binary stream from content streams.
 class BinFileDataSource
           A DataSource which reads from local files
 class BinURLDataSource
           A data source implementation which can be used to read binary streams using HTTP.
 class ContentStreamDataSource
          A DataSource implementation which reads from the ContentStream of a POST request

Refer to for more details.

 class FieldReaderDataSource
          This can be useful for users who have a DB field containing xml and wish to use a nested XPathEntityProcessor

The datasouce may be configured as follows

<datasource name="f1" type="FieldReaderDataSource" />

The enity which uses this datasource must keep the url value as the variable name url="field-name"

The fieldname must be resolvable from VariableResolver

This may be used with any EntityProcessor which uses a DataSource<Reader> eg: XPathEntityProcessor

Supports String, BLOB, CLOB data types and there is an extra field (in the entity) 'encoding' for BLOB types

 class FieldStreamDataSource
          This can be useful for users who have a DB field containing BLOBs which may be Rich documents

The datasouce may be configured as follows

<dataSource name="f1" type="FieldStreamDataSource" />

The entity which uses this datasource must keep and attribute dataField

The fieldname must be resolvable from VariableResolver

This may be used with any EntityProcessor which uses a DataSource<InputStream> eg: TikaEntityProcessor

 class FileDataSource
           A DataSource which reads from local files
 class HttpDataSource
          Deprecated. use URLDataSource instead
 class JdbcDataSource
           A DataSource implementation which can fetch data using JDBC.
 class MockDataSource
           A mock DataSource implementation which can be used for testing.
 class URLDataSource
           A data source implementation which can be used to read character files using HTTP.

Fields in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport declared as DataSource
protected  DataSource<Reader> XPathEntityProcessor.dataSource
protected  DataSource<Iterator<Map<String,Object>>> SqlEntityProcessor.dataSource

Methods in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport that return DataSource
 DataSource EntityProcessorWrapper.getDatasource()
abstract  DataSource Context.getDataSource()
          Gets the datasource instance defined for this entity.
 DataSource ContextImpl.getDataSource()
abstract  DataSource Context.getDataSource(String name)
          Gets a new DataSource instance with a name.
 DataSource ContextImpl.getDataSource(String name)

Methods in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport with parameters of type DataSource
 void EntityProcessorWrapper.setDatasource(DataSource datasource)

Constructors in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport with parameters of type DataSource
ContextImpl(EntityProcessorWrapper epw, VariableResolver resolver, DataSource ds, String currProcess, Map<String,Object> global, ContextImpl parentContext, DocBuilder docBuilder)

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