Uses of Interface

Packages that use SchemaAware
org.apache.solr.core Core classes implementin Solr internals and the management of SolrCore
org.apache.solr.schema IndexSchema and FieldType implementations for powering schema.xml Factories for various built-in Lucene ranking models. 

Uses of SchemaAware in org.apache.solr.core

Classes in org.apache.solr.core that implement SchemaAware
 class SchemaCodecFactory
          Per-field CodecFactory implementation, extends Lucene's and returns postings format implementations according to the schema configuration.

Uses of SchemaAware in org.apache.solr.schema

Classes in org.apache.solr.schema that implement SchemaAware
 class AbstractSubTypeFieldType
          An abstract base class for FieldTypes that delegate work to another FieldType.
 class CoordinateFieldType
          A CoordinateFieldType is the base class for FieldTypes that have semantics related to items in a coordinate system.
 class CurrencyField
          Field type for support of monetary values.
 class LatLonType
          Represents a Latitude/Longitude as a 2 dimensional point.
 class PointType
          A point type that indexes a point in an n-dimensional space as separate fields and supports range queries.
 class SpatialPointVectorFieldType

Constructor parameters in org.apache.solr.schema with type arguments of type SchemaAware
FieldTypePluginLoader(IndexSchema schema, Map<String,FieldType> fieldTypes, Collection<SchemaAware> schemaAware)

Uses of SchemaAware in

Classes in that implement SchemaAware
 class SchemaSimilarityFactory
          SimilarityFactory that returns a PerFieldSimilarityWrapper that delegates to the field type, if its configured, otherwise DefaultSimilarity.

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