Class SortField

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    SortedNumericSortField, SortedSetSortField

    public class SortField
    extends Object
    Stores information about how to sort documents by terms in an individual field. Fields must be indexed in order to sort by them.

    Sorting on a numeric field that is indexed with both doc values and points may use an optimization to skip non-competitive documents. This optimization relies on the assumption that the same data is stored in these points and doc values.

    Sorting on a SORTED(_SET) field that is indexed with both doc values and term index may use an optimization to skip non-competitive documents. This optimization relies on the assumption that the same data is stored in these term index and doc values.

    Created: Feb 11, 2004 1:25:29 PM

    lucene 1.4
    See Also:
    • Field Detail


        public static final SortField FIELD_SCORE
        Represents sorting by document score (relevance).
      • FIELD_DOC

        public static final SortField FIELD_DOC
        Represents sorting by document number (index order).
      • missingValue

        protected Object missingValue
    • Constructor Detail

      • SortField

        public SortField​(String field,
                         SortField.Type type)
        Creates a sort by terms in the given field with the type of term values explicitly given.
        field - Name of field to sort by. Can be null if type is SCORE or DOC.
        type - Type of values in the terms.
      • SortField

        public SortField​(String field,
                         SortField.Type type,
                         boolean reverse)
        Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, by terms in the given field with the type of term values explicitly given.
        field - Name of field to sort by. Can be null if type is SCORE or DOC.
        type - Type of values in the terms.
        reverse - True if natural order should be reversed.
      • SortField

        public SortField​(String field,
                         FieldComparatorSource comparator)
        Creates a sort with a custom comparison function.
        field - Name of field to sort by; cannot be null.
        comparator - Returns a comparator for sorting hits.
      • SortField

        public SortField​(String field,
                         FieldComparatorSource comparator,
                         boolean reverse)
        Creates a sort, possibly in reverse, with a custom comparison function.
        field - Name of field to sort by; cannot be null.
        comparator - Returns a comparator for sorting hits.
        reverse - True if natural order should be reversed.
    • Method Detail

      • getMissingValue

        public Object getMissingValue()
        Return the value to use for documents that don't have a value. A value of null indicates that default should be used.
      • setMissingValue

        public void setMissingValue​(Object missingValue)
        Set the value to use for documents that don't have a value.
      • getField

        public String getField()
        Returns the name of the field. Could return null if the sort is by SCORE or DOC.
        Name of field, possibly null.
      • getType

        public SortField.Type getType()
        Returns the type of contents in the field.
        One of the constants SCORE, DOC, STRING, INT or FLOAT.
      • getReverse

        public boolean getReverse()
        Returns whether the sort should be reversed.
        True if natural order should be reversed.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Returns true if o is equal to this. If a FieldComparatorSource was provided, it must properly implement equals (unless a singleton is always used).
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code for this SortField instance. If a FieldComparatorSource was provided, it must properly implement hashCode (unless a singleton is always used).
        hashCode in class Object
      • rewrite

        public SortField rewrite​(IndexSearcher searcher)
                          throws IOException
        Rewrites this SortField, returning a new SortField if a change is made. Subclasses should override this define their rewriting behavior when this SortField is of type SortField.Type.REWRITEABLE
        searcher - IndexSearcher to use during rewriting
        New rewritten SortField, or this if nothing has changed.
        IOException - Can be thrown by the rewriting
        WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
      • needsScores

        public boolean needsScores()
        Whether the relevance score is needed to sort documents.
      • getIndexSorter

        public IndexSorter getIndexSorter()
        Returns an IndexSorter used for sorting index segments by this SortField.

        If the SortField cannot be used for index sorting (for example, if it uses scores or other query-dependent values) then this method should return null

        SortFields that implement this method should also implement a companion SortFieldProvider to serialize and deserialize the sort in index segment headers

        WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
      • setOptimizeSortWithIndexedData

        public void setOptimizeSortWithIndexedData​(boolean optimizeSortWithIndexedData)
        should only be used for compatibility with 8.x indices that got created with inconsistent data across fields, or the wrong sort configuration in the index sort
        Enables/disables numeric sort optimization to use the indexed data.

        Enabled by default. By default, sorting on a numeric field activates point sort optimization that can efficiently skip over non-competitive hits. Sort optimization has a number of requirements, one of which is that SortField.Type matches the Point type with which the field was indexed (e.g. sort on IntPoint field should use SortField.Type.INT). Another requirement is that the same data is indexed with points and doc values for the field.

        By default, sorting on a SORTED(_SET) field activates sort optimization that can efficiently skip over non-competitive hits. Sort optimization requires that the same data is indexed with term index and doc values for the field.

        optimizeSortWithIndexedData - providing false disables the optimization, in cases where these requirements can't be met.
      • getOptimizeSortWithIndexedData

        public boolean getOptimizeSortWithIndexedData()
        Returns whether sort optimization should be optimized with indexed data
        whether sort optimization should be optimized with indexed data
      • setOptimizeSortWithPoints

        public void setOptimizeSortWithPoints​(boolean optimizeSortWithPoints)
        should only be used for compatibility with 8.x indices that got created with inconsistent data across fields, or the wrong sort configuration in the index sort. This is a duplicate method for SortField#setOptimizeSortWithIndexedData.
        Enables/disables numeric sort optimization to use the Points index.

        Enabled by default. By default, sorting on a numeric field activates point sort optimization that can efficiently skip over non-competitive hits. Sort optimization has a number of requirements, one of which is that SortField.Type matches the Point type with which the field was indexed (e.g. sort on IntPoint field should use SortField.Type.INT). Another requirement is that the same data is indexed with points and doc values for the field.

        optimizeSortWithPoints - providing false disables the optimization, in cases where these requirements can't be met.
      • getOptimizeSortWithPoints

        public boolean getOptimizeSortWithPoints()
        This is a duplicate method for SortField#getOptimizeSortWithIndexedData.
        Returns whether sort optimization should be optimized with points index
        whether sort optimization should be optimized with points index