Uses of Class

Packages that use Term
org.apache.lucene.analysis.query Automatically filter high-frequency stopwords. 
org.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access indices. 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser A simple query parser implemented with JavaCC. 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.complexPhrase QueryParser which permits complex phrase query syntax eg "(john jon jonathan~) peters*" 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query This package contains SrndQuery and its subclasses. Code to search indices.
Programmatic control over documents scores.
The payloads package provides Query mechanisms for finding and using payloads. Regular expression Query. The calculus of spans. InstantiatedIndex, alternative RAM store for small corpora. 

Uses of Term in org.apache.lucene.analysis.query

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis.query that return Term
 Term[] QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.getStopWords()
          Provides information on which stop words have been identified for all fields

Uses of Term in org.apache.lucene.index

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return Term
 Term Term.createTerm(String text)
          Optimized construction of new Terms by reusing same field as this Term - avoids field.intern() overhead
abstract  Term TermEnum.term()
          Returns the current Term in the enumeration.
 Term FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum.term()

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Term
 int Term.compareTo(Term other)
          Compares two terms, returning a negative integer if this term belongs before the argument, zero if this term is equal to the argument, and a positive integer if this term belongs after the argument.
 void IndexWriter.deleteDocuments(Term... terms)
          Deletes the document(s) containing any of the terms.
 long NRTManager.deleteDocuments(Term t)
 void IndexWriter.deleteDocuments(Term term)
          Deletes the document(s) containing term.
 int IndexReader.deleteDocuments(Term term)
          Deletes all documents that have a given term indexed.
 int SegmentReader.docFreq(Term t)
 int ParallelReader.docFreq(Term term)
 int MultiReader.docFreq(Term t)
abstract  int IndexReader.docFreq(Term t)
          Returns the number of documents containing the term t.
 int FilterIndexReader.docFreq(Term t)
abstract  PayloadProcessorProvider.PayloadProcessor PayloadProcessorProvider.DirPayloadProcessor.getProcessor(Term term)
          Returns a PayloadProcessorProvider.DirPayloadProcessor for the given term.
 void term)
          Sets this to the data for a term.
 void arg0)
          Not implemented.
 void term)
 void term)
 TermDocs SegmentReader.termDocs(Term term)
 TermDocs ParallelReader.termDocs(Term term)
 TermDocs MultiReader.termDocs(Term term)
 TermDocs IndexReader.termDocs(Term term)
          Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain term.
 TermDocs FilterIndexReader.termDocs(Term term)
 TermPositions ParallelReader.termPositions(Term term)
 TermPositions IndexReader.termPositions(Term term)
          Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain term.
 TermEnum SegmentReader.terms(Term t)
 TermEnum ParallelReader.terms(Term term)
 TermEnum MultiReader.terms(Term term)
abstract  TermEnum IndexReader.terms(Term t)
          Returns an enumeration of all terms starting at a given term.
 TermEnum FilterIndexReader.terms(Term t)
 long NRTManager.updateDocument(Term t, Document d)
 void IndexWriter.updateDocument(Term term, Document doc)
          Updates a document by first deleting the document(s) containing term and then adding the new document.
 long NRTManager.updateDocument(Term t, Document d, Analyzer a)
 void IndexWriter.updateDocument(Term term, Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)
          Updates a document by first deleting the document(s) containing term and then adding the new document.
 long NRTManager.updateDocuments(Term t, Collection<Document> docs)
 void IndexWriter.updateDocuments(Term delTerm, Collection<Document> docs)
          Atomically deletes documents matching the provided delTerm and adds a block of documents with sequentially assigned document IDs, such that an external reader will see all or none of the documents.
 long NRTManager.updateDocuments(Term t, Collection<Document> docs, Analyzer a)
 void IndexWriter.updateDocuments(Term delTerm, Collection<Document> docs, Analyzer analyzer)
          Atomically deletes documents matching the provided delTerm and adds a block of documents, analyzed using the provided analyzer, with sequentially assigned document IDs, such that an external reader will see all or none of the documents.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Term
MultipleTermPositions(IndexReader indexReader, Term[] terms)
          Creates a new MultipleTermPositions instance.
PKIndexSplitter(Directory input, Directory dir1, Directory dir2, Term midTerm)
          Split an index based on a given primary key term and a 'middle' term.

Uses of Term in org.apache.lucene.misc

Methods in org.apache.lucene.misc with parameters of type Term
static void GetTermInfo.getTermInfo(Directory dir, Term term)
static long HighFreqTerms.getTotalTermFreq(IndexReader reader, Term term)

Uses of Term in org.apache.lucene.queryParser

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser with parameters of type Term
protected  Query QueryParser.newFuzzyQuery(Term term, float minimumSimilarity, int prefixLength)
          Builds a new FuzzyQuery instance
protected  Query QueryParser.newPrefixQuery(Term prefix)
          Builds a new PrefixQuery instance
protected  Query QueryParser.newTermQuery(Term term)
          Builds a new TermQuery instance
protected  Query QueryParser.newWildcardQuery(Term t)
          Builds a new WildcardQuery instance

Uses of Term in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.complexPhrase

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.complexPhrase with parameters of type Term
protected  Query ComplexPhraseQueryParser.newTermQuery(Term term)

Uses of Term in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query that return Term
 Term SrndPrefixQuery.getLucenePrefixTerm(String fieldName)
 Term SrndTermQuery.getLuceneTerm(String fieldName)

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query with parameters of type Term
 void SpanNearClauseFactory.addTermWeighted(Term t, float weight)
 SpanTermQuery BasicQueryFactory.newSpanTermQuery(Term term)
 TermQuery BasicQueryFactory.newTermQuery(Term term)
 void SimpleTerm.MatchingTermVisitor.visitMatchingTerm(Term t)

Uses of Term in

Fields in declared as Term
protected  Term FilteredTermEnum.currentTerm
          the current term
protected  Term WildcardQuery.term
protected  Term FuzzyQuery.term

Methods in that return Term
 Term PrefixQuery.getPrefix()
          Returns the prefix of this query.
 Term PrefixFilter.getPrefix()
protected  Term PrefixTermEnum.getPrefixTerm()
 Term WildcardQuery.getTerm()
          Returns the pattern term.
 Term TermQuery.getTerm()
          Returns the term of this query.
 Term FuzzyQuery.getTerm()
          Returns the pattern term.
 Term[] PhraseQuery.getTerms()
          Returns the set of terms in this phrase.
 Term FilteredTermEnum.term()
          Returns the current Term in the enumeration.

Methods in with parameters of type Term
 void PhraseQuery.add(Term term)
          Adds a term to the end of the query phrase.
 void MultiPhraseQuery.add(Term term)
          Add a single term at the next position in the phrase.
 void MultiPhraseQuery.add(Term[] terms)
          Add multiple terms at the next position in the phrase.
 void MultiPhraseQuery.add(Term[] terms, int position)
          Allows to specify the relative position of terms within the phrase.
 void PhraseQuery.add(Term term, int position)
          Adds a term to the end of the query phrase.
protected  void MultiTermQuery.TopTermsScoringBooleanQueryRewrite.addClause(BooleanQuery topLevel, Term term, float boost)
protected  void MultiTermQuery.TopTermsBoostOnlyBooleanQueryRewrite.addClause(BooleanQuery topLevel, Term term, float boost)
 void TermsFilter.addTerm(Term term)
          Adds a term to the list of acceptable terms
 int RemoteSearchable.docFreq(Term term)
abstract  int Searcher.docFreq(Term term)
 int Searchable.docFreq(Term term)
          Deprecated. Expert: Returns the number of documents containing term.
 int ParallelMultiSearcher.docFreq(Term term)
          Deprecated. Executes each Searchable's docFreq() in its own thread and waits for each search to complete and merge the results back together.
 int MultiSearcher.docFreq(Term term)
 int IndexSearcher.docFreq(Term term)
          Returns total docFreq for this term.
 int[] RemoteSearchable.docFreqs(Term[] terms)
 int[] Searcher.docFreqs(Term[] terms)
 int[] Searchable.docFreqs(Term[] terms)
          Deprecated. Expert: For each term in the terms array, calculates the number of documents containing term.
 Explanation.IDFExplanation Similarity.idfExplain(Term term, Searcher searcher)
          This method forwards to Similarity.idfExplain(Term,Searcher,int) by passing searcher.docFreq(term) as the docFreq.
 Explanation.IDFExplanation Similarity.idfExplain(Term term, Searcher searcher, int docFreq)
          Computes a score factor for a simple term and returns an explanation for that score factor.
protected  boolean WildcardTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)
protected  boolean TermRangeTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)
protected  boolean SingleTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)
protected  boolean PrefixTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)
protected  boolean FuzzyTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)
          The termCompare method in FuzzyTermEnum uses Levenshtein distance to calculate the distance between the given term and the comparing term.
protected abstract  boolean FilteredTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)
          Equality compare on the term

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Term
 void TermQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void Query.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
          Expert: adds all terms occurring in this query to the terms set.
 void PhraseQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> queryTerms)
 void MultiPhraseQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void MatchAllDocsQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void FilteredQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void DisjunctionMaxQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void ConstantScoreQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void BooleanQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 Explanation.IDFExplanation Similarity.idfExplain(Collection<Term> terms, Searcher searcher)
          Computes a score factor for a phrase.

Constructors in with parameters of type Term
FuzzyQuery(Term term)
          Calls FuzzyQuery(term, 0.5f, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE).
FuzzyQuery(Term term, float minimumSimilarity)
          Calls FuzzyQuery(term, minimumSimilarity, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE).
FuzzyQuery(Term term, float minimumSimilarity, int prefixLength)
          Calls FuzzyQuery(term, minimumSimilarity, prefixLength, Integer.MAX_VALUE).
FuzzyQuery(Term term, float minimumSimilarity, int prefixLength, int maxExpansions)
          Create a new FuzzyQuery that will match terms with a similarity of at least minimumSimilarity to term.
FuzzyTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term)
          Creates a FuzzyTermEnum with an empty prefix and a minSimilarity of 0.5f.
FuzzyTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term, float minSimilarity)
          Creates a FuzzyTermEnum with an empty prefix.
FuzzyTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term, float minSimilarity, int prefixLength)
          Constructor for enumeration of all terms from specified reader which share a prefix of length prefixLength with term and which have a fuzzy similarity > minSimilarity.
PrefixFilter(Term prefix)
PrefixQuery(Term prefix)
          Constructs a query for terms starting with prefix.
PrefixTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term prefix)
SingleTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term singleTerm)
          Creates a new SingleTermEnum.
TermQuery(Term t)
          Constructs a query for the term t.
WildcardQuery(Term term)
WildcardTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term)
          Creates a new WildcardTermEnum.

Uses of Term in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Term
 void ValueSourceQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void CustomScoreQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)

Uses of Term in

Constructors in with parameters of type Term
PayloadTermQuery(Term term, PayloadFunction function)
PayloadTermQuery(Term term, PayloadFunction function, boolean includeSpanScore)

Uses of Term in

Methods in that return Term
 Term SpanRegexQuery.getTerm()
 Term RegexQuery.getTerm()

Methods in with parameters of type Term
protected  boolean RegexTermEnum.termCompare(Term term)

Constructors in with parameters of type Term
RegexQuery(Term term)
          Constructs a query for terms matching term.
RegexTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term, RegexCapabilities regexImpl)
SpanRegexQuery(Term term)

Uses of Term in

Fields in declared as Term
protected  Term TermSpans.term
protected  Term SpanTermQuery.term

Fields in with type parameters of type Term
protected  Set<Term> SpanWeight.terms

Methods in that return Term
 Term SpanTermQuery.getTerm()
          Return the term whose spans are matched.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Term
 void SpanTermQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void SpanPositionCheckQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void SpanOrQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void SpanNotQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void SpanNearQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
 void FieldMaskingSpanQuery.extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)

Constructors in with parameters of type Term
SpanTermQuery(Term term)
          Construct a SpanTermQuery matching the named term's spans.
TermSpans(TermPositions positions, Term term)

Uses of Term in

Methods in that return Term
 Term InstantiatedTerm.getTerm()
 Term InstantiatedTermEnum.term()
          Returns the current Term in the enumeration.

Methods in with parameters of type Term
 void InstantiatedIndexWriter.deleteDocuments(Term term)
 void InstantiatedIndexWriter.deleteDocuments(Term[] terms)
 int InstantiatedIndexReader.docFreq(Term t)
 void term)
 TermDocs InstantiatedIndexReader.termDocs(Term term)
 TermEnum InstantiatedIndexReader.terms(Term t)
 void InstantiatedIndexWriter.updateDocument(Term term, Document doc)
 void InstantiatedIndexWriter.updateDocument(Term term, Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)

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