Class FieldComparator

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
FieldComparator.ByteComparator, FieldComparator.DocComparator, FieldComparator.DoubleComparator, FieldComparator.FloatComparator, FieldComparator.IntComparator, FieldComparator.LongComparator, FieldComparator.RelevanceComparator, FieldComparator.ShortComparator, FieldComparator.StringComparatorLocale, FieldComparator.StringOrdValComparator, FieldComparator.StringValComparator

public abstract class FieldComparator
extends Object

Expert: a FieldComparator compares hits so as to determine their sort order when collecting the top results with TopFieldCollector. The concrete public FieldComparator classes here correspond to the SortField types.

This API is designed to achieve high performance sorting, by exposing a tight interaction with FieldValueHitQueue as it visits hits. Whenever a hit is competitive, it's enrolled into a virtual slot, which is an int ranging from 0 to numHits-1. The FieldComparator is made aware of segment transitions during searching in case any internal state it's tracking needs to be recomputed during these transitions.

A comparator must define these functions:

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

Nested Class Summary
static class FieldComparator.ByteComparator
          Parses field's values as byte (using FieldCache.getBytes(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader, java.lang.String) and sorts by ascending value
static class FieldComparator.DocComparator
          Sorts by ascending docID
static class FieldComparator.DoubleComparator
          Parses field's values as double (using FieldCache.getDoubles(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader, java.lang.String) and sorts by ascending value
static class FieldComparator.FloatComparator
          Parses field's values as float (using FieldCache.getFloats(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader, java.lang.String) and sorts by ascending value
static class FieldComparator.IntComparator
          Parses field's values as int (using FieldCache.getInts(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader, java.lang.String) and sorts by ascending value
static class FieldComparator.LongComparator
          Parses field's values as long (using FieldCache.getLongs(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader, java.lang.String) and sorts by ascending value
static class FieldComparator.RelevanceComparator
          Sorts by descending relevance.
static class FieldComparator.ShortComparator
          Parses field's values as short (using FieldCache.getShorts(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader, java.lang.String) and sorts by ascending value
static class FieldComparator.StringComparatorLocale
          Sorts by a field's value using the Collator for a given Locale.
static class FieldComparator.StringOrdValComparator
          Sorts by field's natural String sort order, using ordinals.
static class FieldComparator.StringValComparator
          Sorts by field's natural String sort order.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected static int binarySearch(String[] a, String key)
protected static int binarySearch(String[] a, String key, int low, int high)
abstract  int compare(int slot1, int slot2)
          Compare hit at slot1 with hit at slot2.
abstract  int compareBottom(int doc)
          Compare the bottom of the queue with doc.
abstract  void copy(int slot, int doc)
          This method is called when a new hit is competitive.
abstract  void setBottom(int slot)
          Set the bottom slot, ie the "weakest" (sorted last) entry in the queue.
abstract  void setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
          Set a new Reader.
 void setScorer(Scorer scorer)
          Sets the Scorer to use in case a document's score is needed.
abstract  Comparable<?> value(int slot)
          Return the actual value in the slot.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FieldComparator()
Method Detail


public abstract int compare(int slot1,
                            int slot2)
Compare hit at slot1 with hit at slot2.

slot1 - first slot to compare
slot2 - second slot to compare
any N < 0 if slot2's value is sorted after slot1, any N > 0 if the slot2's value is sorted before slot1 and 0 if they are equal


public abstract void setBottom(int slot)
Set the bottom slot, ie the "weakest" (sorted last) entry in the queue. When compareBottom(int) is called, you should compare against this slot. This will always be called before compareBottom(int).

slot - the currently weakest (sorted last) slot in the queue


public abstract int compareBottom(int doc)
                           throws IOException
Compare the bottom of the queue with doc. This will only invoked after setBottom has been called. This should return the same result as compare(int,int)} as if bottom were slot1 and the new document were slot 2.

For a search that hits many results, this method will be the hotspot (invoked by far the most frequently).

doc - that was hit
any N < 0 if the doc's value is sorted after the bottom entry (not competitive), any N > 0 if the doc's value is sorted before the bottom entry and 0 if they are equal.


public abstract void copy(int slot,
                          int doc)
                   throws IOException
This method is called when a new hit is competitive. You should copy any state associated with this document that will be required for future comparisons, into the specified slot.

slot - which slot to copy the hit to
doc - docID relative to current reader


public abstract void setNextReader(IndexReader reader,
                                   int docBase)
                            throws IOException
Set a new Reader. All doc correspond to the current Reader.

reader - current reader
docBase - docBase of this reader


public void setScorer(Scorer scorer)
Sets the Scorer to use in case a document's score is needed.

scorer - Scorer instance that you should use to obtain the current hit's score, if necessary.


public abstract Comparable<?> value(int slot)
Return the actual value in the slot.

slot - the value
value in this slot upgraded to Comparable


protected static final int binarySearch(String[] a,
                                        String key)


protected static final int binarySearch(String[] a,
                                        String key,
                                        int low,
                                        int high)

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