Uses of Class

Packages that use Version
org.apache.lucene.analysis API and code to convert text into indexable/searchable tokens. Analyzer for Arabic. Analyzer for Brazilian Portuguese. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.cjk Analyzer for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, which indexes bigrams (overlapping groups of two adjacent Han characters).
Analyzer for Simplified Chinese, which indexes words. Analyzer for Czech. Analyzer for German. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.el Analyzer for Greek. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.fa Analyzer for Persian. Analyzer for French. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous Miscellaneous TokenStreams Analyzer for Dutch. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.query Automatically filter high-frequency stopwords. Analyzer for Russian. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.shingle Word n-gram filters 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.snowball TokenFilter and Analyzer implementations that use Snowball stemmers. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard A fast grammar-based tokenizer constructed with JFlex. Analyzer for Thai. 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser A simple query parser implemented with JavaCC. 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.analyzing QueryParser that passes Fuzzy-, Prefix-, Range-, and WildcardQuerys through the given analyzer. 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.complexPhrase QueryParser which permits complex phrase query syntax eg "(john jon jonathan~) peters*" 
org.apache.lucene.util Some utility classes. 

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis with parameters of type Version
static boolean StopFilter.getEnablePositionIncrementsVersionDefault(Version matchVersion)
          Returns version-dependent default for enablePositionIncrements.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis with parameters of type Version
StopAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer which removes words in StopAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS_SET.
StopAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwordsFile)
          Builds an analyzer with the stop words from the given file.
StopAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Reader stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the stop words from the given reader.
StopAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopWords)
          Builds an analyzer with the stop words from the given set.

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
ArabicAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer with the default stop words: ArabicAnalyzer.DEFAULT_STOPWORD_FILE.
ArabicAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords)
          Deprecated. use ArabicAnalyzer.ArabicAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
ArabicAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Hashtable<?,?> stopwords)
          Deprecated. use ArabicAnalyzer.ArabicAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
ArabicAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
ArabicAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use ArabicAnalyzer.ArabicAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
BrazilianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer with the default stop words (BrazilianAnalyzer.BRAZILIAN_STOP_WORDS).
BrazilianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords)
          Deprecated. use BrazilianAnalyzer.BrazilianAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
BrazilianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Map<?,?> stopwords)
          Deprecated. use BrazilianAnalyzer.BrazilianAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
BrazilianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
BrazilianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords, Set<?> stemExclusionSet)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words and stemming exclusion words
BrazilianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use BrazilianAnalyzer.BrazilianAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis.cjk

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.cjk with parameters of type Version
CJKAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer which removes words in CJKAnalyzer.STOP_WORDS.
CJKAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
CJKAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopWords)
          Deprecated. use CJKAnalyzer.CJKAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
SmartChineseAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Create a new SmartChineseAnalyzer, using the default stopword list.
SmartChineseAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, boolean useDefaultStopWords)
           Create a new SmartChineseAnalyzer, optionally using the default stopword list.
SmartChineseAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set stopWords)
           Create a new SmartChineseAnalyzer, using the provided Set of stopwords.

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer with the default stop words (CzechAnalyzer.CZECH_STOP_WORDS).
CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords)
          Deprecated. use CzechAnalyzer.CzechAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, HashSet<?> stopwords)
          Deprecated. use CzechAnalyzer.CzechAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words and stemming exclusion words
CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use CzechAnalyzer.CzechAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
GermanAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer with the default stop words: GermanAnalyzer.getDefaultStopSet().
GermanAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords)
          Deprecated. use GermanAnalyzer.GermanAnalyzer(Version, Set)
GermanAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Map<?,?> stopwords)
          Deprecated. use GermanAnalyzer.GermanAnalyzer(Version, Set)
GermanAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
GermanAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords, Set<?> stemExclusionSet)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
GermanAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use GermanAnalyzer.GermanAnalyzer(Version, Set)

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis.el

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.el with parameters of type Version
GreekAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
GreekAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Map<?,?> stopwords)
          Deprecated. use GreekAnalyzer.GreekAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
GreekAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
GreekAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use GreekAnalyzer.GreekAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis.fa

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.fa with parameters of type Version
PersianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer with the default stop words: PersianAnalyzer.DEFAULT_STOPWORD_FILE.
PersianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords)
          Deprecated. use PersianAnalyzer.PersianAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
PersianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Hashtable<?,?> stopwords)
          Deprecated. use PersianAnalyzer.PersianAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
PersianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
PersianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use PersianAnalyzer.PersianAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
FrenchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer with the default stop words (FrenchAnalyzer.FRENCH_STOP_WORDS).
FrenchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords)
          Deprecated. use FrenchAnalyzer.FrenchAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
FrenchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
FrenchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords, Set<?> stemExclutionSet)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
FrenchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use FrenchAnalyzer.FrenchAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous with parameters of type Version
PatternAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Pattern pattern, boolean toLowerCase, Set<?> stopWords)
          Constructs a new instance with the given parameters.

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
DutchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer with the default stop words (DutchAnalyzer.DUTCH_STOP_WORDS) and a few default entries for the stem exclusion table.
DutchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords)
          Deprecated. use DutchAnalyzer.DutchAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
DutchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, HashSet<?> stopwords)
          Deprecated. use DutchAnalyzer.DutchAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
DutchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
DutchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords, Set<?> stemExclusionTable)
DutchAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use DutchAnalyzer.DutchAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis.query

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.query with parameters of type Version
QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Analyzer delegate)
          Initializes this analyzer with the Analyzer object that actually produces the tokens

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
RussianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
RussianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Map<?,?> stopwords)
          Deprecated. use RussianAnalyzer.RussianAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead
RussianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words
RussianAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords)
          Deprecated. use RussianAnalyzer.RussianAnalyzer(Version, Set) instead

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis.shingle

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.shingle with parameters of type Version
ShingleAnalyzerWrapper(Version matchVersion)
          Wraps StandardAnalyzer.
ShingleAnalyzerWrapper(Version matchVersion, int nGramSize)
          Wraps StandardAnalyzer.

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis.snowball

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.snowball with parameters of type Version
SnowballAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String name)
          Builds the named analyzer with no stop words.
SnowballAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String name, Set<?> stopWords)
          Builds the named analyzer with the given stop words.
SnowballAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String name, String[] stopWords)
          Deprecated. Use SnowballAnalyzer.SnowballAnalyzer(Version, String, Set) instead.

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard with parameters of type Version
StandardAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)
          Builds an analyzer with the default stop words (StandardAnalyzer.STOP_WORDS_SET).
StandardAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the stop words from the given file.
StandardAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Reader stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the stop words from the given reader.
StandardAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopWords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words.
StandardTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeSource.AttributeFactory factory, Reader input)
          Creates a new StandardTokenizer with a given AttributeSource.AttributeFactory
StandardTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeSource source, Reader input)
          Creates a new StandardTokenizer with a given AttributeSource.
StandardTokenizer(Version matchVersion, Reader input)
          Creates a new instance of the StandardTokenizer.

Uses of Version in

Constructors in with parameters of type Version
ThaiAnalyzer(Version matchVersion)

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.queryParser

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser with parameters of type Version
static Query MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion, String[] queries, String[] fields, Analyzer analyzer)
          Parses a query which searches on the fields specified.
static Query MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion, String[] queries, String[] fields, BooleanClause.Occur[] flags, Analyzer analyzer)
          Parses a query, searching on the fields specified.
static Query MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion, String query, String[] fields, BooleanClause.Occur[] flags, Analyzer analyzer)
          Parses a query, searching on the fields specified.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.queryParser with parameters of type Version
MultiFieldQueryParser(Version matchVersion, String[] fields, Analyzer analyzer)
          Creates a MultiFieldQueryParser.
MultiFieldQueryParser(Version matchVersion, String[] fields, Analyzer analyzer, Map<String,Float> boosts)
          Creates a MultiFieldQueryParser.
QueryParser(Version matchVersion, String f, Analyzer a)
          Constructs a query parser.

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.analyzing

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.analyzing with parameters of type Version
AnalyzingQueryParser(Version matchVersion, String field, Analyzer analyzer)
          Constructs a query parser.

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.complexPhrase

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.complexPhrase with parameters of type Version
ComplexPhraseQueryParser(Version matchVersion, String f, Analyzer a)

Uses of Version in org.apache.lucene.util

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util that return Version
static Version Version.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static Version[] Version.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type Version
 boolean Version.onOrAfter(Version other)

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