Package org.apache.lucene.util

General test support.


Interface Summary
TestRuleIgnoreTestSuites.NestedTestSuite Marker interface for nested suites that should be ignored if executed in stand-alone mode.

Class Summary
_TestUtil General utility methods for Lucene unit tests.
BaseDocIdSetTestCase<T extends DocIdSet> Base test class for DocIdSets.
English Converts numbers to english strings for testing.
FailOnNonBulkMergesInfoStream Hackidy-Häck-Hack to cause a test to fail on non-bulk merges
LineFileDocs Minimal port of benchmark's LneDocSource + DocMaker, so tests can enum docs from a line file created by benchmark's WriteLineDoc task
LuceneJUnit3MethodProvider Backwards compatible test* method provider (public, non-static).
LuceneTestCase Base class for all Lucene unit tests, Junit3 or Junit4 variant.
NullInfoStream Prints nothing.
QuickPatchThreadsFilter Last minute patches.
Rethrow Sneaky: rethrowing checked exceptions as unchecked ones.
RunListenerPrintReproduceInfo A suite listener printing a "reproduce string".
TestRuleAssertionsRequired Require assertions for Lucene/Solr packages.
TestRuleFieldCacheSanity This rule will fail the test if it has insane field caches.
TestRuleIgnoreAfterMaxFailures This rule keeps a count of failed tests (suites) and will result in an AssumptionViolatedException after a given number of failures for all tests following this condition.
TestRuleIgnoreTestSuites This rule will cause the suite to be assumption-ignored if the test class implements a given marker interface and a special property is not set.
TestRuleMarkFailure A rule for marking failed tests and suites.
TestRuleStoreClassName Stores the suite name so you can retrieve it from TestRuleStoreClassName.getTestClass()
TestSecurityManager A SecurityManager that prevents tests calling System.exit(int).
ThrottledIndexOutput Intentionally slow IndexOutput for testing.
TimeUnits time unit constants for use in annotations.

Annotation Types Summary
LuceneTestCase.AwaitsFix Annotation for tests which exhibit a known issue and are temporarily disabled.
LuceneTestCase.BadApple Annotation for tests that fail frequently and should be moved to a "vault" plan in Jenkins.
LuceneTestCase.Nightly Annotation for tests that should only be run during nightly builds.
LuceneTestCase.Slow Annotation for tests that are slow.
LuceneTestCase.SuppressCodecs Annotation for test classes that should avoid certain codec types (because they are expensive, for example).
LuceneTestCase.Weekly Annotation for tests that should only be run during weekly builds

Package org.apache.lucene.util Description

General test support. The primary class is LuceneTestCase, which extends JUnit with additional functionality.

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