
Support for testing search components.


Class Summary
AssertingCollector Wraps another Collector and checks that acceptsDocsOutOfOrder is respected.
AssertingIndexSearcher Helper class that adds some extra checks to ensure correct usage of IndexSearcher and Weight.
AssertingQuery Assertion-enabled query.
AssertingScorer Wraps a Scorer with additional checks
CheckHits Utility class for asserting expected hits in tests.
CheckHits.ExplanationAsserter Asserts that the score explanation for every document matching a query corresponds with the true score.
CheckHits.ExplanationAssertingSearcher an IndexSearcher that implicitly checks hte explanation of every match whenever it executes a search.
CheckHits.SetCollector Just collects document ids into a set.
QueryUtils Utility class for sanity-checking queries.
QueryUtils.FCInvisibleMultiReader This is a MultiReader that can be used for randomly wrapping other readers without creating FieldCache insanity.
RandomSimilarityProvider Similarity implementation that randomizes Similarity implementations per-field.
SearchEquivalenceTestBase Simple base class for checking search equivalence.
ShardSearchingTestBase Base test class for simulating distributed search across multiple shards.
ShardSearchingTestBase.SearcherAndVersion An IndexSearcher and associated version (lease)

Exception Summary
ShardSearchingTestBase.SearcherExpiredException Thrown when the lease for a searcher has expired.

Package Description

Support for testing search components.

The primary classes are:

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