Package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.processors

Interfaces and implementations used by query node processors


Interface Summary
QueryNodeProcessor A QueryNodeProcessor is an interface for classes that process a QueryNode tree.

Class Summary
NoChildOptimizationQueryNodeProcessor A NoChildOptimizationQueryNodeProcessor removes every BooleanQueryNode, BoostQueryNode, TokenizedPhraseQueryNode or ModifierQueryNode that do not have a valid children.
QueryNodeProcessorImpl This is a default implementation for the QueryNodeProcessor interface, it's an abstract class, so it should be extended by classes that want to process a QueryNode tree.
QueryNodeProcessorPipeline A QueryNodeProcessorPipeline class should be used to build a query node processor pipeline.
RemoveDeletedQueryNodesProcessor A QueryNodeProcessorPipeline class removes every instance of DeletedQueryNode from a query node tree.

Package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.processors Description

Interfaces and implementations used by query node processors

Query Node Processors

The package org.apache.lucene.queryParser.processors contains interfaces that should be implemented by every query node processor.

The interface that every query node processor should implement is QueryNodeProcessor.

A query node processor should be used to process a QueryNode tree. QueryNode trees can be programmatically created or generated by a text parser. See org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.parser for more details about text parsers.

A query node processor should be used to process a QueryNode tree. QueryNode trees can be programmatically created or generated by a text parser. See org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.parser for more details about text parsers.

A pipeline of processors can be assembled using QueryNodeProcessorPipeline.

Implementors may want to extend QueryNodeProcessorImpl, which simplifies the implementation, because it walks automatically the QueryNode. See QueryNodeProcessorImpl for more details.

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