Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractQueryConfig
org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.config Base classes used to configure the query processing. 
org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.config Standard Lucene Query Configuration. 

Uses of AbstractQueryConfig in org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.config

Subclasses of AbstractQueryConfig in org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.config
 class FieldConfig
          This class represents a field configuration.
 class QueryConfigHandler
          This class can be used to hold any query configuration and no field configuration.

Uses of AbstractQueryConfig in org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.config

Subclasses of AbstractQueryConfig in org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.config
 class StandardQueryConfigHandler
          This query configuration handler is used for almost every processor defined in the StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline processor pipeline.

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