Uses of Class

Packages that use ValueSource
org.apache.lucene.queries.function Queries that compute score based upon a function 
org.apache.lucene.queries.function.docvalues FunctionValues for different data types. 
org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource A variety of functions to use with FunctionQuery. 

Uses of ValueSource in org.apache.lucene.queries.function

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queries.function that return ValueSource
 ValueSource BoostedQuery.getValueSource()
 ValueSource FunctionQuery.getValueSource()

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.queries.function with parameters of type ValueSource
BoostedQuery(Query subQuery, ValueSource boostVal)
FunctionQuery(ValueSource func)

Uses of ValueSource in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.docvalues

Fields in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.docvalues declared as ValueSource
protected  ValueSource DocTermsIndexDocValues.vs
protected  ValueSource IntDocValues.vs
protected  ValueSource LongDocValues.vs
protected  ValueSource BoolDocValues.vs
protected  ValueSource StrDocValues.vs
protected  ValueSource FloatDocValues.vs
protected  ValueSource DoubleDocValues.vs

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.docvalues with parameters of type ValueSource
BoolDocValues(ValueSource vs)
DocTermsIndexDocValues(ValueSource vs, AtomicReaderContext context, String field)
DoubleDocValues(ValueSource vs)
FloatDocValues(ValueSource vs)
IntDocValues(ValueSource vs)
LongDocValues(ValueSource vs)
StrDocValues(ValueSource vs)

Uses of ValueSource in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource

Subclasses of ValueSource in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource
 class BoolFunction
          Abstract parent class for those ValueSource implementations which apply boolean logic to their values
 class ByteFieldSource
 class BytesRefFieldSource
          An implementation for retrieving FunctionValues instances for string based fields.
 class ConstNumberSource
          ConstNumberSource is the base class for all constant numbers
 class ConstValueSource
          ConstValueSource returns a constant for all documents
 class DefFunction
          ValueSource implementation which only returns the values from the provided ValueSources which are available for a particular docId.
 class DivFloatFunction
          Function to divide "a" by "b"
 class DocFreqValueSource
          DocFreqValueSource returns the number of documents containing the term.
 class DoubleConstValueSource
          Function that returns a constant double value for every document.
 class DoubleFieldSource
          Obtains double field values from FieldCache.getDoubles(org.apache.lucene.index.AtomicReader, java.lang.String, boolean) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
 class DualFloatFunction
          Abstract ValueSource implementation which wraps two ValueSources and applies an extendible float function to their values.
 class EnumFieldSource
          Obtains int field values from FieldCache.getInts(org.apache.lucene.index.AtomicReader, java.lang.String, boolean) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
 class FieldCacheSource
          A base class for ValueSource implementations that retrieve values for a single field from the FieldCache.
 class FloatFieldSource
          Obtains float field values from FieldCache.getFloats(org.apache.lucene.index.AtomicReader, java.lang.String, boolean) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
 class IDFValueSource
          Function that returns #idf(long, long) for every document.
 class IfFunction
          Depending on the boolean value of the ifSource function, returns the value of the trueSource or falseSource function.
 class IntFieldSource
          Obtains int field values from FieldCache.getInts(org.apache.lucene.index.AtomicReader, java.lang.String, boolean) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
 class JoinDocFreqValueSource
          Use a field value and find the Document Frequency within another field.
 class LinearFloatFunction
          LinearFloatFunction implements a linear function over another ValueSource.
 class LiteralValueSource
          Pass a the field value through as a String, no matter the type // Q: doesn't this mean it's a "string"?
 class LongFieldSource
          Obtains long field values from FieldCache.getLongs(org.apache.lucene.index.AtomicReader, java.lang.String, boolean) and makes those values available as other numeric types, casting as needed.
 class MaxDocValueSource
          Returns the value of IndexReader.maxDoc() for every document.
 class MaxFloatFunction
          MaxFloatFunction returns the max of it's components.
 class MinFloatFunction
          MinFloatFunction returns the min of it's components.
 class MultiBoolFunction
          Abstract ValueSource implementation which wraps multiple ValueSources and applies an extendible boolean function to their values.
 class MultiFloatFunction
          Abstract ValueSource implementation which wraps multiple ValueSources and applies an extendible float function to their values.
 class MultiFunction
          Abstract parent class for ValueSource implementations that wrap multiple ValueSources and apply their own logic.
 class MultiValueSource
          A ValueSource that abstractly represents ValueSources for poly fields, and other things.
 class NormValueSource
          Function that returns TFIDFSimilarity.decodeNormValue(long) for every document.
 class NumDocsValueSource
          Returns the value of IndexReader.numDocs() for every document.
 class OrdFieldSource
          Obtains the ordinal of the field value from the default Lucene FieldCache using getStringIndex().
 class PowFloatFunction
          Function to raise the base "a" to the power "b"
 class ProductFloatFunction
          ProductFloatFunction returns the product of it's components.
 class QueryValueSource
          QueryValueSource returns the relevance score of the query
 class RangeMapFloatFunction
          RangeMapFloatFunction implements a map function over another ValueSource whose values fall within min and max inclusive to target.
 class ReciprocalFloatFunction
          ReciprocalFloatFunction implements a reciprocal function f(x) = a/(mx+b), based on the float value of a field or function as exported by ValueSource.
 class ReverseOrdFieldSource
          Obtains the ordinal of the field value from the default Lucene FieldCache using getTermsIndex() and reverses the order.
 class ScaleFloatFunction
          Scales values to be between min and max.
 class ShortFieldSource
 class SimpleBoolFunction
          BoolFunction implementation which applies an extendible boolean function to the values of a single wrapped ValueSource.
 class SimpleFloatFunction
          A simple float function with a single argument
 class SingleFunction
          A function with a single argument
 class SumFloatFunction
          SumFloatFunction returns the sum of it's components.
 class SumTotalTermFreqValueSource
          SumTotalTermFreqValueSource returns the number of tokens.
 class TermFreqValueSource
          Function that returns DocsEnum.freq() for the supplied term in every document.
 class TFValueSource
          Function that returns for every document.
 class TotalTermFreqValueSource
          TotalTermFreqValueSource returns the total term freq (sum of term freqs across all documents).
 class VectorValueSource
          Converts individual ValueSource instances to leverage the FunctionValues *Val functions that work with multiple values, i.e.

Fields in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource declared as ValueSource
protected  ValueSource DualFloatFunction.a
protected  ValueSource DualFloatFunction.b
protected  ValueSource RangeMapFloatFunction.defaultVal
protected  ValueSource SimpleBoolFunction.source
protected  ValueSource LinearFloatFunction.source
protected  ValueSource RangeMapFloatFunction.source
protected  ValueSource SingleFunction.source
protected  ValueSource ScaleFloatFunction.source
protected  ValueSource ReciprocalFloatFunction.source
protected  ValueSource[] MultiFloatFunction.sources
protected  ValueSource

Fields in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource with type parameters of type ValueSource
protected  List<ValueSource> MultiFunction.sources
protected  List<ValueSource> MultiBoolFunction.sources
protected  List<ValueSource> VectorValueSource.sources

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource that return types with arguments of type ValueSource
 List<ValueSource> VectorValueSource.getSources()

Method parameters in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource with type arguments of type ValueSource
static String MultiFunction.description(String name, List<ValueSource> sources)
static FunctionValues[] MultiFunction.valsArr(List<ValueSource> sources, Map fcontext, AtomicReaderContext readerContext)

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource with parameters of type ValueSource
DivFloatFunction(ValueSource a, ValueSource b)
DualFloatFunction(ValueSource a, ValueSource b)
IfFunction(ValueSource ifSource, ValueSource trueSource, ValueSource falseSource)
LinearFloatFunction(ValueSource source, float slope, float intercept)
MaxFloatFunction(ValueSource[] sources)
MinFloatFunction(ValueSource[] sources)
MultiFloatFunction(ValueSource[] sources)
PowFloatFunction(ValueSource a, ValueSource b)
ProductFloatFunction(ValueSource[] sources)
RangeMapFloatFunction(ValueSource source, float min, float max, float target, Float def)
RangeMapFloatFunction(ValueSource source, float min, float max, ValueSource target, ValueSource def)
ReciprocalFloatFunction(ValueSource source, float m, float a, float b)
          f(source) = a/(m*float(source)+b)
ScaleFloatFunction(ValueSource source, float min, float max)
SimpleBoolFunction(ValueSource source)
SimpleFloatFunction(ValueSource source)
SingleFunction(ValueSource source)
SumFloatFunction(ValueSource[] sources)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.lucene.queries.function.valuesource with type arguments of type ValueSource
DefFunction(List<ValueSource> sources)
MultiBoolFunction(List<ValueSource> sources)
MultiFunction(List<ValueSource> sources)
VectorValueSource(List<ValueSource> sources)

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