Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidTokenOffsetsException The highlight package contains classes to provide "keyword in context" features typically used to highlight search terms in the text of results pages. 

Uses of InvalidTokenOffsetsException in

Methods in that throw InvalidTokenOffsetsException
 String Highlighter.getBestFragment(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName, String text)
          Highlights chosen terms in a text, extracting the most relevant section.
 String Highlighter.getBestFragment(TokenStream tokenStream, String text)
          Highlights chosen terms in a text, extracting the most relevant section.
 String[] Highlighter.getBestFragments(Analyzer analyzer, String fieldName, String text, int maxNumFragments)
          Highlights chosen terms in a text, extracting the most relevant sections.
 String[] Highlighter.getBestFragments(TokenStream tokenStream, String text, int maxNumFragments)
          Highlights chosen terms in a text, extracting the most relevant sections.
 String Highlighter.getBestFragments(TokenStream tokenStream, String text, int maxNumFragments, String separator)
          Highlights terms in the text , extracting the most relevant sections and concatenating the chosen fragments with a separator (typically "...").
 TextFragment[] Highlighter.getBestTextFragments(TokenStream tokenStream, String text, boolean mergeContiguousFragments, int maxNumFragments)
          Low level api to get the most relevant (formatted) sections of the document.

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