Uses of Class

Packages that use GroupingSearch This module enables search result grouping with Lucene, where hits with the same value in the specified single-valued group field are grouped together. 

Uses of GroupingSearch in

Methods in that return GroupingSearch
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.disableCaching()
          Disables any enabled cache.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setAllGroupHeads(boolean allGroupHeads)
          Whether to compute all group heads (most relevant document per group) matching the query.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setAllGroups(boolean allGroups)
          Whether to also compute all groups matching the query.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setCaching(int maxDocsToCache, boolean cacheScores)
          Enables caching for the second pass search.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setCachingInMB(double maxCacheRAMMB, boolean cacheScores)
          Enables caching for the second pass search.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setFillSortFields(boolean fillSortFields)
          Whether to also fill the sort fields per returned group and groups docs.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setGroupDocsLimit(int groupDocsLimit)
          Specifies the number of documents to return inside a group from the specified groupDocsOffset.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setGroupDocsOffset(int groupDocsOffset)
          Specifies the offset for documents inside a group.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setGroupSort(Sort groupSort)
          Specifies how groups are sorted.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setIncludeMaxScore(boolean includeMaxScore)
          Whether to include the score of the most relevant document per group.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setIncludeScores(boolean includeScores)
          Whether to include the scores per doc inside a group.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setInitialSize(int initialSize)
          Sets the initial size of some internal used data structures.
 GroupingSearch GroupingSearch.setSortWithinGroup(Sort sortWithinGroup)
          Specified how documents inside a group are sorted.

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