Package org.apache.lucene.facet

faceted search


Class Summary
DrillDownQuery A Query for drill-down over facet categories.
DrillSideways Computes drill down and sideways counts for the provided DrillDownQuery.
DrillSideways.DrillSidewaysResult Result of a drill sideways search, including the Facets and TopDocs.
FacetField Add an instance of this to your Document for every facet label.
FacetResult Counts or aggregates for a single dimension.
Facets Common base class for all facets implementations.
FacetsCollector Collects hits for subsequent faceting.
FacetsCollector.Docs Used during collection to record matching docs and then return a DocIdSet that contains them.
FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs Holds the documents that were matched in the AtomicReaderContext.
FacetsConfig Records per-dimension configuration.
FacetsConfig.DimConfig Holds the configuration for one dimension
LabelAndValue Single label and its value, usually contained in a FacetResult.
MultiFacets Maps specified dims to provided Facets impls; else, uses the default Facets impl.
TopOrdAndFloatQueue Keeps highest results, first by largest float value, then tie break by smallest ord.
TopOrdAndFloatQueue.OrdAndValue Holds a single entry.
TopOrdAndIntQueue Keeps highest results, first by largest int value, then tie break by smallest ord.
TopOrdAndIntQueue.OrdAndValue Holds a single entry.

Package org.apache.lucene.facet Description

faceted search

This module provides multiple methods for computing facet counts and value aggregations:

At search time you first run your search, but pass a FacetsCollector to gather all hits (and optionally, scores for each hit). Then, instantiate whichever facet methods you'd like to use to compute aggregates. Finally, all methods implement a common Facets base API that you use to obtain specific facet counts.

The various,, int, utility methods are useful for doing an "ordinary" search (sorting by score, or by a specified Sort) but also collecting into a FacetsCollector for subsequent faceting.

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