Uses of Class

Packages that use LongValues
org.apache.lucene.util.packed Packed integer arrays and streams. 

Uses of LongValues in org.apache.lucene.util.packed

Subclasses of LongValues in org.apache.lucene.util.packed
 class AppendingDeltaPackedLongBuffer
          Utility class to buffer a list of signed longs in memory.
 class AppendingPackedLongBuffer
          Utility class to buffer a list of signed longs in memory.
 class BlockPackedReader
          Provides random access to a stream written with BlockPackedWriter.
 class MonotonicAppendingLongBuffer
          Utility class to buffer signed longs in memory, which is optimized for the case where the sequence is monotonic, although it can encode any sequence of arbitrary longs.
 class MonotonicBlockPackedReader
          Provides random access to a stream written with MonotonicBlockPackedWriter.
 class PagedGrowableWriter
          A PagedGrowableWriter.
 class PagedMutable
          A PagedMutable.

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