Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexInput
org.apache.lucene.codecs Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the index. 
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene3x Codec to support Lucene 3.x indexes (readonly) 
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 Lucene 4.0 file format. 
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene41 Lucene 4.1 file format. 
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene45 Lucene 4.5 file format. Binary i/o API, used for all index data. 
org.apache.lucene.util Some utility classes. 
org.apache.lucene.util.packed Packed integer arrays and streams. 

Uses of IndexInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs with parameters of type IndexInput
abstract  void PostingsReaderBase.init(IndexInput termsIn)
          Performs any initialization, such as reading and verifying the header from the provided terms dictionary IndexInput.
protected  int BlockTreeTermsReader.readHeader(IndexInput input)
          Reads terms file header.
protected  int BlockTreeTermsReader.readIndexHeader(IndexInput input)
          Reads index file header.
protected abstract  int MultiLevelSkipListReader.readSkipData(int level, IndexInput skipStream)
          Subclasses must implement the actual skip data encoding in this method.
protected  void BlockTreeTermsReader.seekDir(IndexInput input, long dirOffset)
          Seek input to the directory offset.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.codecs with parameters of type IndexInput
MultiLevelSkipListReader(IndexInput skipStream, int maxSkipLevels, int skipInterval)
          Creates a MultiLevelSkipListReader, where skipInterval and skipMultiplier are the same.
MultiLevelSkipListReader(IndexInput skipStream, int maxSkipLevels, int skipInterval, int skipMultiplier)
          Creates a MultiLevelSkipListReader.

Uses of IndexInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene3x

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene3x with parameters of type IndexInput
static void Lucene3xSegmentInfoReader.readLegacyInfos(SegmentInfos infos, Directory directory, IndexInput input, int format)

Uses of IndexInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 that return IndexInput
 IndexInput Lucene40StoredFieldsReader.rawDocs(int[] lengths, int startDocID, int numDocs)
          Returns the length in bytes of each raw document in a contiguous range of length numDocs starting with startDocID.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 with parameters of type IndexInput
 void Lucene40StoredFieldsWriter.addRawDocuments(IndexInput stream, int[] lengths, int numDocs)
          Bulk write a contiguous series of documents.
 void Lucene40PostingsReader.init(IndexInput termsIn)
protected  int Lucene40SkipListReader.readSkipData(int level, IndexInput skipStream)

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 with parameters of type IndexInput
Lucene40SkipListReader(IndexInput skipStream, int maxSkipLevels, int skipInterval)
          Deprecated. Sole constructor.

Uses of IndexInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene41

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene41 with parameters of type IndexInput
 void Lucene41PostingsReader.init(IndexInput termsIn)

Uses of IndexInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene45

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene45 with parameters of type IndexInput
protected  MonotonicBlockPackedReader Lucene45DocValuesProducer.getAddressInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field, Lucene45DocValuesProducer.BinaryEntry bytes)
          returns an address instance for variable-length binary values.
protected  MonotonicBlockPackedReader Lucene45DocValuesProducer.getIntervalInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field, Lucene45DocValuesProducer.BinaryEntry bytes)
          returns an address instance for prefix-compressed binary values.
protected  MonotonicBlockPackedReader Lucene45DocValuesProducer.getOrdIndexInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field, Lucene45DocValuesProducer.NumericEntry entry)
          returns an address instance for sortedset ordinal lists

Uses of IndexInput in

Subclasses of IndexInput in
 class BufferedIndexInput
          Base implementation class for buffered IndexInput.
 class ChecksumIndexInput
          Reads bytes through to a primary IndexInput, computing checksum as it goes.
protected static class FSDirectory.FSIndexInput
          Base class for reading input from a RandomAccessFile
protected static class NIOFSDirectory.NIOFSIndexInput
          Reads bytes with, long)
 class RAMInputStream
          A memory-resident IndexInput implementation.
protected static class SimpleFSDirectory.SimpleFSIndexInput
          Reads bytes with followed by[], int, int).

Methods in that return IndexInput
 IndexInput IndexInput.clone()
          Returns a clone of this stream.
abstract  IndexInput Directory.IndexInputSlicer.openFullSlice()
          Deprecated. Only for reading CFS files from 3.x indexes.
abstract  IndexInput Directory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
          Returns a stream reading an existing file, with the specified read buffer size.
 IndexInput SimpleFSDirectory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
          Creates an IndexInput for the file with the given name.
 IndexInput MMapDirectory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
          Creates an IndexInput for the file with the given name.
 IndexInput NIOFSDirectory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
          Creates an IndexInput for the file with the given name.
 IndexInput NRTCachingDirectory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
 IndexInput FileSwitchDirectory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
 IndexInput FilterDirectory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
 IndexInput CompoundFileDirectory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
 IndexInput RAMDirectory.openInput(String name, IOContext context)
          Returns a stream reading an existing file.
abstract  IndexInput Directory.IndexInputSlicer.openSlice(String sliceDescription, long offset, long length)
          Returns an IndexInput slice starting at the given offset with the given length.

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexInput
ChecksumIndexInput(IndexInput main)

Uses of IndexInput in org.apache.lucene.util

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type IndexInput
 void PagedBytes.copy(IndexInput in, long byteCount)
          Read this many bytes from in

Uses of IndexInput in org.apache.lucene.util.packed

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.packed with parameters of type IndexInput
static PackedInts.Reader PackedInts.getDirectReader(IndexInput in)
          Construct a direct PackedInts.Reader from an IndexInput.
static PackedInts.Reader PackedInts.getDirectReaderNoHeader(IndexInput in, PackedInts.Format format, int version, int valueCount, int bitsPerValue)
          Expert: Construct a direct PackedInts.Reader from a stream without reading metadata at the beginning of the stream.
static PackedInts.Reader PackedInts.getDirectReaderNoHeader(IndexInput in, PackedInts.Header header)
          Expert: Construct a direct PackedInts.Reader from an IndexInput without reading metadata at the beginning of the stream.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.util.packed with parameters of type IndexInput
BlockPackedReader(IndexInput in, int packedIntsVersion, int blockSize, long valueCount, boolean direct)
          Sole constructor.
MonotonicBlockPackedReader(IndexInput in, int packedIntsVersion, int blockSize, long valueCount, boolean direct)
          Sole constructor.

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