Uses of Class

Packages that use Row
org.egothor.stemmer Egothor stemmer API. 

Uses of Row in org.egothor.stemmer

Methods in org.egothor.stemmer that return Row
 Row Optimizer.merge(Row master, Row existing)
          Merge the given rows and return the resulting Row.

Methods in org.egothor.stemmer with parameters of type Row
 boolean in, int[] remap)
          Test whether the given Row of Cells in a Trie should be included in an optimized Trie.
 void Lift.liftUp(Row in, List<Row> nodes)
          Reduce the trie using Lift-Up reduction.
 Row Optimizer.merge(Row master, Row existing)
          Merge the given rows and return the resulting Row.

Method parameters in org.egothor.stemmer with type arguments of type Row
 void Lift.liftUp(Row in, List<Row> nodes)
          Reduce the trie using Lift-Up reduction.

Constructors in org.egothor.stemmer with parameters of type Row
Row(Row old)
          Construct a Row using the cells of the given Row.

Constructor parameters in org.egothor.stemmer with type arguments of type Row
Trie(boolean forward, int root, List<CharSequence> cmds, List<Row> rows)
          Constructor for the Trie object.

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