Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseDirectoryWrapper Support for testing store mechanisms. 
org.apache.lucene.util General test support. 

Uses of BaseDirectoryWrapper in

Subclasses of BaseDirectoryWrapper in
 class MockDirectoryWrapper
          This is a Directory Wrapper that adds methods intended to be used only by unit tests.

Uses of BaseDirectoryWrapper in org.apache.lucene.util

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util that return BaseDirectoryWrapper
static BaseDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newDirectory()
          Returns a new Directory instance.
static BaseDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newDirectory(Directory d)
          Returns a new Directory instance, with contents copied from the provided directory.
static BaseDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newDirectory(Random r)
          Returns a new Directory instance, using the specified random.
static BaseDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newDirectory(Random r, Directory d)
          Returns a new Directory instance, using the specified random with contents copied from the provided directory.
static BaseDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newFSDirectory(File f)
          Returns a new FSDirectory instance over the given file, which must be a folder.
static BaseDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newFSDirectory(File f, LockFactory lf)
          Returns a new FSDirectory instance over the given file, which must be a folder.

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