Package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.config

Base classes used to configure the query processing.


Interface Summary
FieldConfigListener This interface should be implemented by classes that wants to listen for field configuration requests.

Class Summary
AbstractQueryConfig This class is the base of QueryConfigHandler and FieldConfig.
ConfigurationKey<T> An instance of this class represents a key that is used to retrieve a value from AbstractQueryConfig.
FieldConfig This class represents a field configuration.
QueryConfigHandler This class can be used to hold any query configuration and no field configuration.

Package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.config Description

Base classes used to configure the query processing.

Query Configuration Interfaces

The package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.config contains query configuration handler abstract class that all config handlers should extend.

See StandardQueryConfigHandler for a reference implementation.

The QueryConfigHandler and FieldConfig are used in the processors to access config information in a flexible and independent way. See TermRangeQueryNodeProcessor for a reference implementation.

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