Uses of Interface

Packages that use FacetsAggregator
org.apache.lucene.facet.associations Allows associating arbitrary values with a category. 
org.apache.lucene.facet.range Code to compute facets for numeric ranges. 
org.apache.lucene.facet.sampling Facets sampling. Facets search code. 

Uses of FacetsAggregator in org.apache.lucene.facet.associations

Classes in org.apache.lucene.facet.associations that implement FacetsAggregator
 class SumFloatAssociationFacetsAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which computes the weight of a category as the sum of the float values associated with it in the result documents.
 class SumIntAssociationFacetsAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which computes the weight of a category as the sum of the integer values associated with it in the result documents.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.associations that return FacetsAggregator
 FacetsAggregator SumFloatAssociationFacetRequest.createFacetsAggregator(FacetIndexingParams fip)
 FacetsAggregator SumIntAssociationFacetRequest.createFacetsAggregator(FacetIndexingParams fip)

Uses of FacetsAggregator in org.apache.lucene.facet.range

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.range that return FacetsAggregator
 FacetsAggregator RangeFacetRequest.createFacetsAggregator(FacetIndexingParams fip)

Uses of FacetsAggregator in org.apache.lucene.facet.sampling

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.sampling that return FacetsAggregator
 FacetsAggregator Sampler.OverSampledFacetRequest.createFacetsAggregator(FacetIndexingParams fip)

Uses of FacetsAggregator in

Classes in that implement FacetsAggregator
 class CachedOrdsCountingFacetsAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which updates categories values by counting their occurrences in matching documents.
 class CountingFacetsAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which counts the number of times each category appears in the given set of documents.
 class FastCountingFacetsAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which counts the number of times each category appears in the given set of documents.
 class IntRollupFacetsAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which implements IntRollupFacetsAggregator.rollupValues(FacetRequest, int, int[], int[], FacetArrays) by summing the values from FacetArrays.getIntArray().
 class MultiFacetsAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which chains multiple aggregators for aggregating the association values of categories that belong to the same category list.
 class PerCategoryListAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which invokes the proper aggregator per CategoryListParams.
 class SumScoreFacetsAggregator
          A FacetsAggregator which updates the weight of a category by summing the scores of documents it was found in.

Methods in that return FacetsAggregator
static FacetsAggregator CountingFacetsAggregator.create(CategoryListParams clp)
          Returns a FacetsAggregator suitable for counting categories given the CategoryListParams.
 FacetsAggregator SumScoreFacetRequest.createFacetsAggregator(FacetIndexingParams fip)
abstract  FacetsAggregator FacetRequest.createFacetsAggregator(FacetIndexingParams fip)
          Returns the FacetsAggregator which can aggregate the categories of this facet request.
 FacetsAggregator CountFacetRequest.createFacetsAggregator(FacetIndexingParams fip)
 FacetsAggregator TaxonomyFacetsAccumulator.getAggregator()
          Returns the FacetsAggregator to use for aggregating the categories found in the result documents.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type FacetsAggregator
MultiFacetsAggregator(Map<CategoryPath,FacetsAggregator> aggregators)
PerCategoryListAggregator(Map<CategoryListParams,FacetsAggregator> aggregators, FacetIndexingParams fip)

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