Package org.apache.lucene.index

Support for testing of indexes.


Class Summary
AlcoholicMergePolicy Merge policy for testing, it is like an alcoholic.
AssertingAtomicReader A FilterAtomicReader that can be used to apply additional checks for tests.
AssertingAtomicReader.AssertingBinaryDocValues Wraps a BinaryDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingAtomicReader.AssertingFields Wraps a Fields but with additional asserts
AssertingAtomicReader.AssertingNumericDocValues Wraps a NumericDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingAtomicReader.AssertingSortedDocValues Wraps a SortedDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingAtomicReader.AssertingSortedSetDocValues Wraps a SortedSetDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingAtomicReader.AssertingTerms Wraps a Terms but with additional asserts
AssertingDirectoryReader A DirectoryReader that wraps all its subreaders with AssertingAtomicReader
BaseDocValuesFormatTestCase Abstract class to do basic tests for a docvalues format.
BasePostingsFormatTestCase Abstract class to do basic tests for a postings format.
BaseTermVectorsFormatTestCase Base class aiming at testing term vectors formats.
FieldFilterAtomicReader A FilterAtomicReader that exposes only a subset of fields from the underlying wrapped reader.
MockIndexInput IndexInput backed by a byte[] for testing.
MockRandomMergePolicy MergePolicy that makes random decisions for testing.
RandomCodec Codec that assigns per-field random postings formats.
RandomIndexWriter Silly class that randomizes the indexing experience.
ThreadedIndexingAndSearchingTestCase Utility class that spawns multiple indexing and searching threads.

Enum Summary
BaseTermVectorsFormatTestCase.Options A combination of term vectors options.

Package org.apache.lucene.index Description

Support for testing of indexes.

The primary classes are:

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