Uses of Class

Packages that use FacetIndexingParams
org.apache.lucene.facet.associations Allows associating arbitrary values with a category. 
org.apache.lucene.facet.codecs.facet42 Codec + DocValuesFormat that are optimized for facets. 
org.apache.lucene.facet.complements Allows to cache the total counts of categories, so that during search which returns a large number of results (>60% of segment size), the complement set of matching documents is counted. 
org.apache.lucene.facet.index Facets indexing code. 
org.apache.lucene.facet.params Facets indexing and search parameters. Facets search code. 
org.apache.lucene.facet.util Various utilities for faceted search 

Uses of FacetIndexingParams in org.apache.lucene.facet.associations

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.associations with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
AssociationsDrillDownStream(CategoryAssociationsContainer associations, FacetIndexingParams indexingParams)
AssociationsFacetFields(TaxonomyWriter taxonomyWriter, FacetIndexingParams params)
          Constructs a new instance with the given facet indexing params.

Uses of FacetIndexingParams in org.apache.lucene.facet.codecs.facet42

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.codecs.facet42 with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
Facet42Codec(FacetIndexingParams fip)
          Initializes with the given FacetIndexingParams.

Uses of FacetIndexingParams in org.apache.lucene.facet.complements

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.complements with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
 TotalFacetCounts TotalFacetCountsCache.getTotalCounts(IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy, FacetIndexingParams facetIndexingParams)
          Get the total facet counts for a reader/taxonomy pair and facet indexing parameters.
 void TotalFacetCountsCache.load(File inputFile, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy, FacetIndexingParams facetIndexingParams)
          Load TotalFacetCounts matching input parameters from the provided outputFile and add them into the cache for the provided indexReader, taxonomy, and facetIndexingParams.
 void outputFile, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy, FacetIndexingParams facetIndexingParams)
          Store the TotalFacetCounts matching input parameters into the provided outputFile, making them available for a later call to TotalFacetCountsCache.load(File, IndexReader, TaxonomyReader, FacetIndexingParams).

Uses of FacetIndexingParams in org.apache.lucene.facet.index

Fields in org.apache.lucene.facet.index declared as FacetIndexingParams
protected  FacetIndexingParams FacetFields.indexingParams

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.index with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
CountingListBuilder(CategoryListParams categoryListParams, FacetIndexingParams indexingParams, TaxonomyWriter taxoWriter)
DrillDownStream(Iterable<CategoryPath> categories, FacetIndexingParams indexingParams)
FacetFields(TaxonomyWriter taxonomyWriter, FacetIndexingParams params)
          Constructs a new instance with the given facet indexing params.

Uses of FacetIndexingParams in org.apache.lucene.facet.params

Subclasses of FacetIndexingParams in org.apache.lucene.facet.params
 class PerDimensionIndexingParams
          A FacetIndexingParams that utilizes different category lists, defined by the dimension specified by a category (see PerDimensionIndexingParams.PerDimensionIndexingParams(Map, CategoryListParams).

Fields in org.apache.lucene.facet.params declared as FacetIndexingParams
static FacetIndexingParams FacetIndexingParams.DEFAULT
          A FacetIndexingParams which fixes a single CategoryListParams with CategoryListParams.DEFAULT_ORDINAL_POLICY.
 FacetIndexingParams FacetSearchParams.indexingParams

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.params with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
FacetSearchParams(FacetIndexingParams indexingParams, FacetRequest... facetRequests)
          Initializes with the given requests and FacetIndexingParams.
FacetSearchParams(FacetIndexingParams indexingParams, List<FacetRequest> facetRequests)
          Initializes with the given requests and FacetIndexingParams.

Uses of FacetIndexingParams in

Methods in with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
static Term DrillDownQuery.term(FacetIndexingParams iParams, CategoryPath path)
          Return a drill-down Term for a category.

Constructors in with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
DrillDownQuery(FacetIndexingParams fip)
          Creates a new DrillDownQuery without a base query, to perform a pure browsing query (equivalent to using MatchAllDocsQuery as base).
DrillDownQuery(FacetIndexingParams fip, Query baseQuery)
          Creates a new DrillDownQuery over the given base query.
PerCategoryListAggregator(Map<CategoryListParams,FacetsAggregator> aggregators, FacetIndexingParams fip)

Uses of FacetIndexingParams in org.apache.lucene.facet.util

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.util with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
static Map<String,Term> FacetsPayloadMigrationReader.buildFieldTermsMap(Directory dir, FacetIndexingParams fip)
          A utility method for building the field-to-Term map, given the FacetIndexingParams and the directory of the index to migrate.
static void TaxonomyMergeUtils.merge(Directory srcIndexDir, Directory srcTaxDir, DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.OrdinalMap map, IndexWriter destIndexWriter, DirectoryTaxonomyWriter destTaxWriter, FacetIndexingParams params)
          Merges the given taxonomy and index directories and commits the changes to the given writers.
static String PartitionsUtils.partitionNameByOrdinal(FacetIndexingParams iParams, int ordinal)
          Partition name by category ordinal
static int PartitionsUtils.partitionNumber(FacetIndexingParams iParams, int ordinal)
          Partition number of an ordinal.
static int PartitionsUtils.partitionSize(FacetIndexingParams indexingParams, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
          Get the partition size in this parameter, or return the size of the taxonomy, which is smaller.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.util with parameters of type FacetIndexingParams
OrdinalMappingAtomicReader(AtomicReader in, int[] ordinalMap, FacetIndexingParams indexingParams)
          Wraps an AtomicReader, mapping ordinals according to the ordinalMap, using the provided indexingParams.

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