Uses of Class

Packages that use Terms
org.apache.lucene.codecs Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the index. 
org.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access indices. Code to search indices. 
org.apache.lucene.util.automaton Finite-state automaton for regular expressions. 

Uses of Terms in org.apache.lucene.codecs

Subclasses of Terms in org.apache.lucene.codecs
 class BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader
          BlockTree's implementation of Terms.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs that return Terms
 Terms BlockTreeTermsReader.terms(String field)

Uses of Terms in org.apache.lucene.index

Subclasses of Terms in org.apache.lucene.index
static class FilterAtomicReader.FilterTerms
          Base class for filtering Terms implementations.
 class MultiTerms
          Exposes flex API, merged from flex API of sub-segments.

Fields in org.apache.lucene.index declared as Terms
static Terms[] Terms.EMPTY_ARRAY
          Zero-length array of Terms.
protected  Terms
          The underlying Terms instance.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return Terms
static Terms MultiFields.getTerms(IndexReader r, String field)
          This method may return null if the field does not exist.
 Terms IndexReader.getTermVector(int docID, String field)
          Retrieve term vector for this document and field, or null if term vectors were not indexed.
 Terms MultiFields.terms(String field)
 Terms FilterAtomicReader.FilterFields.terms(String field)
abstract  Terms Fields.terms(String field)
          Get the Terms for this field.
 Terms AtomicReader.terms(String field)
          This may return null if the field does not exist.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Terms
FilterAtomicReader.FilterTerms(Terms in)
          Creates a new FilterTerms
MultiTerms(Terms[] subs, ReaderSlice[] subSlices)
          Sole constructor.

Uses of Terms in

Fields in declared as Terms
protected  Terms FuzzyTermsEnum.terms

Methods in with parameters of type Terms
protected  TermsEnum MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod.getTermsEnum(MultiTermQuery query, Terms terms, AttributeSource atts)
          Returns the MultiTermQuerys TermsEnum
protected  TermsEnum MultiTermQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms terms)
          Convenience method, if no attributes are needed: This simply passes empty attributes and is equal to: getTermsEnum(terms, new AttributeSource())
protected  TermsEnum PrefixQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms terms, AttributeSource atts)
protected  TermsEnum FuzzyQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms terms, AttributeSource atts)
protected abstract  TermsEnum MultiTermQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms terms, AttributeSource atts)
          Construct the enumeration to be used, expanding the pattern term.
protected  TermsEnum TermRangeQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms terms, AttributeSource atts)
protected  TermsEnum AutomatonQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms terms, AttributeSource atts)
protected  TermsEnum NumericRangeQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms terms, AttributeSource atts)
 TermsEnum FieldCache.Parser.termsEnum(Terms terms)
          Pulls a TermsEnum from the given Terms.

Constructors in with parameters of type Terms
FuzzyTermsEnum(Terms terms, AttributeSource atts, Term term, float minSimilarity, int prefixLength, boolean transpositions)
          Constructor for enumeration of all terms from specified reader which share a prefix of length prefixLength with term and which have a fuzzy similarity > minSimilarity.

Uses of Terms in org.apache.lucene.util.automaton

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.automaton with parameters of type Terms
 TermsEnum CompiledAutomaton.getTermsEnum(Terms terms)

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