Uses of Class

Packages that use PerfTask
org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.stats Statistics maintained when running benchmark tasks. 
org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks Extendable benchmark tasks. 
org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.utils Utilities used for the benchmark, and for the reports. 

Uses of PerfTask in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.stats

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.stats that return PerfTask
 PerfTask TaskStats.getTask()

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.stats with parameters of type PerfTask
 TaskStats Points.markTaskStart(PerfTask task, int round)
          Mark that a task is starting.

Uses of PerfTask in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks

Subclasses of PerfTask in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks
 class AddDocTask
          Add a document, optionally of a certain size.
 class AddFacetedDocTask
          Add a faceted document.
 class AddIndexesTask
          Adds an input index to an existing index, using IndexWriter.addIndexes(Directory...) or IndexWriter.addIndexes(IndexReader...).
 class AnalyzerFactoryTask
          Analyzer factory construction task.
 class ClearStatsTask
          Clear statistics data.
 class CloseIndexTask
          Close index writer.
 class CloseReaderTask
          Close index reader.
 class CloseTaxonomyIndexTask
          Close taxonomy index.
 class CloseTaxonomyReaderTask
          Close taxonomy reader.
 class CommitIndexTask
          Commits the IndexWriter.
 class CommitTaxonomyIndexTask
          Commits the Taxonomy Index.
 class ConsumeContentSourceTask
          Consumes a ContentSource.
 class CreateIndexTask
          Create an index.
 class CreateTaxonomyIndexTask
          Create a taxonomy index.
 class ForceMergeTask
          Runs forceMerge on the index.
 class NearRealtimeReaderTask
          Spawns a BG thread that periodically (defaults to 3.0 seconds, but accepts param in seconds) wakes up and asks IndexWriter for a near real-time reader.
 class NewAnalyzerTask
          Create a new Analyzer and set it it in the getRunData() for use by all future tasks.
 class NewCollationAnalyzerTask
          Task to support benchmarking collation.
 class NewLocaleTask
          Set a Locale for use in benchmarking.
 class NewRoundTask
          Increment the counter for properties maintained by Round Number.
 class OpenIndexTask
          Open an index writer.
 class OpenReaderTask
          Open an index reader.
 class OpenTaxonomyIndexTask
          Open a taxonomy index.
 class OpenTaxonomyReaderTask
          Open a taxonomy index reader.
 class PrintReaderTask
          Opens a reader and prints basic statistics.
 class ReadTask
          Read index (abstract) task.
 class ReadTokensTask
          Simple task to test performance of tokenizers.
 class ReopenReaderTask
          Reopens IndexReader and closes old IndexReader.
 class RepAllTask
          Report all statistics with no aggregations.
 class ReportTask
          Report (abstract) task - all report tasks extend this task.
 class RepSelectByPrefTask
          Report by-name-prefix statistics with no aggregations.
 class RepSumByNameRoundTask
          Report all statistics grouped/aggregated by name and round.
 class RepSumByNameTask
          Report all statistics aggregated by name.
 class RepSumByPrefRoundTask
          Report all prefix matching statistics grouped/aggregated by name and round.
 class RepSumByPrefTask
          Report by-name-prefix statistics aggregated by name.
 class ResetInputsTask
          Reset inputs so that the test run would behave, input wise, as if it just started.
 class ResetSystemEraseTask
          Reset all index and input data and call gc, erase index and dir, does NOT clear statistics.
 class ResetSystemSoftTask
          Reset all index and input data and call gc, does NOT erase index/dir, does NOT clear statistics.
 class RollbackIndexTask
          Rollback the index writer.
 class SearchTask
          Search task.
 class SearchTravRetHighlightTask
          Search and Traverse and Retrieve docs task.
 class SearchTravRetLoadFieldSelectorTask
          Search and Traverse and Retrieve docs task using a FieldVisitor loading only the requested fields.
 class SearchTravRetTask
          Search and Traverse and Retrieve docs task.
 class SearchTravRetVectorHighlightTask
          Search and Traverse and Retrieve docs task.
 class SearchTravTask
          Search and Traverse task.
 class SearchWithCollectorTask
          Does search w/ a custom collector
 class SearchWithSortTask
          Does sort search on specified field.
 class SetPropTask
          Set a performance test configuration property.
 class TaskSequence
          Sequence of parallel or sequential tasks.
 class UpdateDocTask
          Update a document, using IndexWriter.updateDocument, optionally with of a certain size.
 class WaitForMergesTask
          Waits for merges to finish.
 class WaitTask
          Simply waits for the specified (via the parameter) amount of time.
 class WarmTask
          Warm reader task: retrieve all reader documents.
 class WriteEnwikiLineDocTask
          A WriteLineDocTask which for Wikipedia input, will write category pages to another file, while remaining pages will be written to the original file.
 class WriteLineDocTask
          A task which writes documents, one line per document.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks that return PerfTask
protected  PerfTask PerfTask.clone()

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks that return types with arguments of type PerfTask
 ArrayList<PerfTask> TaskSequence.getTasks()

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks with parameters of type PerfTask
 void TaskSequence.addTask(PerfTask task)

Uses of PerfTask in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.utils

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.utils that return types with arguments of type PerfTask
 ArrayList<PerfTask> Algorithm.extractTasks()
          Expert: for test purposes, return all tasks participating in this algorithm.

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