Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationKey
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.core.config Contains the base classes used to configure the query processing 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config Standard Lucene Query Configuration 

Uses of ConfigurationKey in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.core.config

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.core.config that return ConfigurationKey
<T> ConfigurationKey<T>
          Creates a new instance.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.core.config with parameters of type ConfigurationKey
<T> T
AbstractQueryConfig.get(ConfigurationKey<T> key)
          Returns the value held by the given key.
<T> T
AbstractQueryConfig.get(ConfigurationKey<T> key, T defaultValue)
          Returns the value held by the given key or the given default value if the key is not found.
<T> boolean
AbstractQueryConfig.has(ConfigurationKey<T> key)
          Returns true if there is a value set with the given key, otherwise false.
<T> void
AbstractQueryConfig.set(ConfigurationKey<T> key, T value)
          Sets a key and its value.
<T> boolean
AbstractQueryConfig.unset(ConfigurationKey<T> key)
          Unsets the given key and its value.

Uses of ConfigurationKey in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config

Fields in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config declared as ConfigurationKey
static ConfigurationKey<Boolean> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.ALLOW_LEADING_WILDCARD
          Key used to set whether leading wildcards are supported
static ConfigurationKey<org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.ANALYZER
          Key used to set the Analyzer used for terms found in the query
static ConfigurationKey<Float> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.BOOST
          Key used to set the boost value in FieldConfig objects.
static ConfigurationKey<org.apache.lucene.document.DateTools.Resolution> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.DATE_RESOLUTION
          Key used to set default DateTools.Resolution.
static ConfigurationKey<StandardQueryConfigHandler.Operator> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.DEFAULT_OPERATOR
          Key used to set the default boolean operator
static ConfigurationKey<Boolean> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.ENABLE_POSITION_INCREMENTS
          Key used to set whether position increments is enabled
static ConfigurationKey<Map<String,Float>> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.FIELD_BOOST_MAP
          Key used to set a field to boost map that is used to set the boost for each field
static ConfigurationKey<Map<CharSequence,org.apache.lucene.document.DateTools.Resolution>> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.FIELD_DATE_RESOLUTION_MAP
          Key used to set a field to DateTools.Resolution map that is used to normalize each date field value.
static ConfigurationKey<FuzzyConfig> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.FUZZY_CONFIG
          Key used to set the FuzzyConfig used to create fuzzy queries.
static ConfigurationKey<Locale> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.LOCALE
          Key used to set the Locale used when parsing the query
static ConfigurationKey<Boolean> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.LOWERCASE_EXPANDED_TERMS
          Key used to set whether expanded terms should be expanded
static ConfigurationKey<CharSequence[]> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.MULTI_FIELDS
          Key used to set the fields a query should be expanded to when the field is null
static ConfigurationKey<> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.MULTI_TERM_REWRITE_METHOD
          Key used to set the MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod used when creating queries
static ConfigurationKey<NumericConfig> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.NUMERIC_CONFIG
          Key used to set a field to its NumericConfig.
static ConfigurationKey<Map<String,NumericConfig>> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.NUMERIC_CONFIG_MAP
          Key used to set the NumericConfig in FieldConfig for numeric fields.
static ConfigurationKey<Integer> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.PHRASE_SLOP
          Key used to set the default phrase slop
static ConfigurationKey<Collator> StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.RANGE_COLLATOR
          Key used to set the Collator used when creating TermRangeQuerys.

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