Uses of Class

Packages that use Query
org.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access indices. 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser A simple query parser implemented with JavaCC. Code to search indices.
Programmatic control over documents scores.
The payloads package provides Query mechanisms for finding and using payloads. The calculus of spans. 

Uses of Query in org.apache.lucene.index

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Query
 void IndexWriter.deleteDocuments(Query... queries)
          Deletes the document(s) matching any of the provided queries.
 void IndexWriter.deleteDocuments(Query query)
          Deletes the document(s) matching the provided query.

Uses of Query in org.apache.lucene.queryParser

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser that return Query
 Query QueryParser.Clause(String field)
protected  Query QueryParser.getBooleanQuery(List<BooleanClause> clauses)
          Factory method for generating query, given a set of clauses.
protected  Query QueryParser.getBooleanQuery(List<BooleanClause> clauses, boolean disableCoord)
          Factory method for generating query, given a set of clauses.
protected  Query QueryParser.getFieldQuery(String field, String queryText)
          Deprecated. Use QueryParser.getFieldQuery(String,String,boolean) instead.
protected  Query MultiFieldQueryParser.getFieldQuery(String field, String queryText, boolean quoted)
protected  Query QueryParser.getFieldQuery(String field, String queryText, boolean quoted)
protected  Query MultiFieldQueryParser.getFieldQuery(String field, String queryText, int slop)
protected  Query QueryParser.getFieldQuery(String field, String queryText, int slop)
          Base implementation delegates to QueryParser.getFieldQuery(String,String,boolean).
protected  Query MultiFieldQueryParser.getFuzzyQuery(String field, String termStr, float minSimilarity)
protected  Query QueryParser.getFuzzyQuery(String field, String termStr, float minSimilarity)
          Factory method for generating a query (similar to QueryParser.getWildcardQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)).
protected  Query MultiFieldQueryParser.getPrefixQuery(String field, String termStr)
protected  Query QueryParser.getPrefixQuery(String field, String termStr)
          Factory method for generating a query (similar to QueryParser.getWildcardQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)).
protected  Query MultiFieldQueryParser.getRangeQuery(String field, String part1, String part2, boolean inclusive)
protected  Query QueryParser.getRangeQuery(String field, String part1, String part2, boolean inclusive)
protected  Query MultiFieldQueryParser.getWildcardQuery(String field, String termStr)
protected  Query QueryParser.getWildcardQuery(String field, String termStr)
          Factory method for generating a query.
protected  Query QueryParser.newFuzzyQuery(Term term, float minimumSimilarity, int prefixLength)
          Builds a new FuzzyQuery instance
protected  Query QueryParser.newMatchAllDocsQuery()
          Builds a new MatchAllDocsQuery instance
protected  Query QueryParser.newPrefixQuery(Term prefix)
          Builds a new PrefixQuery instance
protected  Query QueryParser.newRangeQuery(String field, String part1, String part2, boolean inclusive)
          Builds a new TermRangeQuery instance
protected  Query QueryParser.newTermQuery(Term term)
          Builds a new TermQuery instance
protected  Query QueryParser.newWildcardQuery(Term t)
          Builds a new WildcardQuery instance
 Query QueryParser.parse(String query)
          Parses a query string, returning a Query.
static Query MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion, String[] queries, String[] fields, Analyzer analyzer)
          Parses a query which searches on the fields specified.
static Query MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion, String[] queries, String[] fields, BooleanClause.Occur[] flags, Analyzer analyzer)
          Parses a query, searching on the fields specified.
static Query MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(Version matchVersion, String query, String[] fields, BooleanClause.Occur[] flags, Analyzer analyzer)
          Parses a query, searching on the fields specified.
 Query QueryParser.Query(String field)
 Query QueryParser.Term(String field)
 Query QueryParser.TopLevelQuery(String field)

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser with parameters of type Query
protected  void QueryParser.addClause(List<BooleanClause> clauses, int conj, int mods, Query q)
protected  BooleanClause QueryParser.newBooleanClause(Query q, BooleanClause.Occur occur)
          Builds a new BooleanClause instance

Uses of Query in

Classes in with type parameters of type Query
static class Scorer.ScorerVisitor<P extends Query,C extends Query,S extends Scorer>
          A callback to gather information from a scorer and its sub-scorers.
static class Scorer.ScorerVisitor<P extends Query,C extends Query,S extends Scorer>
          A callback to gather information from a scorer and its sub-scorers.
 class ScoringRewrite<Q extends Query>
 class TopTermsRewrite<Q extends Query>
          Base rewrite method for collecting only the top terms via a priority queue.

Subclasses of Query in
 class BooleanQuery
          A Query that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other queries, e.g.
 class ConstantScoreQuery
          A query that wraps another query or a filter and simply returns a constant score equal to the query boost for every document that matches the filter or query.
 class DisjunctionMaxQuery
          A query that generates the union of documents produced by its subqueries, and that scores each document with the maximum score for that document as produced by any subquery, plus a tie breaking increment for any additional matching subqueries.
 class FilteredQuery
          A query that applies a filter to the results of another query.
 class FuzzyQuery
          Implements the fuzzy search query.
 class MatchAllDocsQuery
          A query that matches all documents.
 class MultiPhraseQuery
          MultiPhraseQuery is a generalized version of PhraseQuery, with an added method MultiPhraseQuery.add(Term[]).
 class MultiTermQuery
          An abstract Query that matches documents containing a subset of terms provided by a FilteredTermEnum enumeration.
 class NumericRangeQuery<T extends Number>
          A Query that matches numeric values within a specified range.
 class PhraseQuery
          A Query that matches documents containing a particular sequence of terms.
 class PrefixQuery
          A Query that matches documents containing terms with a specified prefix.
 class TermQuery
          A Query that matches documents containing a term.
 class TermRangeQuery
          A Query that matches documents within an range of terms.
 class WildcardQuery
          Implements the wildcard search query.

Fields in declared as Query
protected  Query ConstantScoreQuery.query

Methods in that return Query
 Query Query.combine(Query[] queries)
          Expert: called when re-writing queries under MultiSearcher.
 Query BooleanQuery.BooleanWeight.getQuery()
 Query BooleanClause.getQuery()
 Query ConstantScoreQuery.getQuery()
          Returns the encapsulated query, returns null if a filter is wrapped.
 Query ConstantScoreQuery.ConstantWeight.getQuery()
abstract  Query Weight.getQuery()
          The query that this concerns.
 Query DisjunctionMaxQuery.DisjunctionMaxWeight.getQuery()
          Return our associated DisjunctionMaxQuery
 Query FilteredQuery.getQuery()
static Query Query.mergeBooleanQueries(BooleanQuery... queries)
          Expert: merges the clauses of a set of BooleanQuery's into a single BooleanQuery.
 Query BooleanQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query MultiPhraseQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query ConstantScoreQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query Query.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
          Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
 Query MultiTermQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
          To rewrite to a simpler form, instead return a simpler enum from MultiTermQuery.getEnum(IndexReader).
 Query DisjunctionMaxQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
          Optimize our representation and our subqueries representations
 Query PhraseQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query FilteredQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
          Rewrites the wrapped query.
abstract  Query MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod.rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)
 Query MultiSearcher.rewrite(Query original)
 Query Searchable.rewrite(Query query)
          Deprecated. Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
 Query IndexSearcher.rewrite(Query original)
          Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
abstract  Query Searcher.rewrite(Query query)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Query
 Iterator<Query> DisjunctionMaxQuery.iterator()
          An Iterator over the disjuncts

Methods in with parameters of type Query
 void DisjunctionMaxQuery.add(Query query)
          Add a subquery to this disjunction
 void BooleanQuery.add(Query query, BooleanClause.Occur occur)
          Adds a clause to a boolean query.
 Query Query.combine(Query[] queries)
          Expert: called when re-writing queries under MultiSearcher.
 Weight MultiSearcher.createNormalizedWeight(Query original)
          Deprecated. Create weight in multiple index scenario.
 Weight IndexSearcher.createNormalizedWeight(Query query)
          Creates a normalized weight for a top-level Query.
 Weight Searcher.createNormalizedWeight(Query query)
          Deprecated. Creates a normalized weight for a top-level Query.
protected  Weight Searcher.createWeight(Query query)
          Deprecated. never ever use this method in Weight implementations. Subclasses of Searcher should use Searcher.createNormalizedWeight(, instead.
 Explanation IndexSearcher.explain(Query query, int doc)
          Returns an Explanation that describes how doc scored against query.
 Explanation Searcher.explain(Query query, int doc)
          Deprecated. Returns an Explanation that describes how doc scored against query.
 Query MultiSearcher.rewrite(Query original)
 Query Searchable.rewrite(Query query)
          Deprecated. Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
 Query IndexSearcher.rewrite(Query original)
          Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
abstract  Query Searcher.rewrite(Query query)
 void query, Collector results)
          Lower-level search API.
 void query, Collector results)
          Deprecated. Lower-level search API.
 void query, Filter filter, Collector results)
          Lower-level search API.
 void query, Filter filter, Collector results)
          Deprecated. Lower-level search API.
 TopDocs query, Filter filter, int n)
          Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null.
 TopDocs query, Filter filter, int n)
          Deprecated. Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null.
 TopFieldDocs query, Filter filter, int n, Sort sort)
          Search implementation with arbitrary sorting.
 TopFieldDocs query, Filter filter, int n, Sort sort)
          Deprecated. Search implementation with arbitrary sorting.
 TopDocs query, int n)
          Finds the top n hits for query.
 TopDocs query, int n)
          Deprecated. Finds the top n hits for query.
 TopFieldDocs query, int n, Sort sort)
          Search implementation with arbitrary sorting and no filter.
 TopFieldDocs query, int n, Sort sort)
          Deprecated. Search implementation with arbitrary sorting and no filter.
 void BooleanClause.setQuery(Query query)
protected  void Scorer.visitSubScorers(Query parent, BooleanClause.Occur relationship, Scorer.ScorerVisitor<Query,Query,Scorer> visitor)
          Scorer subclasses should implement this method if the subclass itself contains multiple scorers to support gathering details for sub-scorers via Scorer.ScorerVisitor

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Query
 void DisjunctionMaxQuery.add(Collection<Query> disjuncts)
          Add a collection of disjuncts to this disjunction via Iterable
 void Scorer.visitScorers(Scorer.ScorerVisitor<Query,Query,Scorer> visitor)
          Expert: call this to gather details for all sub-scorers for this query.
 void Scorer.visitScorers(Scorer.ScorerVisitor<Query,Query,Scorer> visitor)
          Expert: call this to gather details for all sub-scorers for this query.
protected  void Scorer.visitSubScorers(Query parent, BooleanClause.Occur relationship, Scorer.ScorerVisitor<Query,Query,Scorer> visitor)
          Scorer subclasses should implement this method if the subclass itself contains multiple scorers to support gathering details for sub-scorers via Scorer.ScorerVisitor
protected  void Scorer.visitSubScorers(Query parent, BooleanClause.Occur relationship, Scorer.ScorerVisitor<Query,Query,Scorer> visitor)
          Scorer subclasses should implement this method if the subclass itself contains multiple scorers to support gathering details for sub-scorers via Scorer.ScorerVisitor

Constructors in with parameters of type Query
BooleanClause(Query query, BooleanClause.Occur occur)
          Constructs a BooleanClause.
ConstantScoreQuery(Query query)
          Strips off scores from the passed in Query.
FilteredQuery(Query query, Filter filter)
          Constructs a new query which applies a filter to the results of the original query.
QueryWrapperFilter(Query query)
          Constructs a filter which only matches documents matching query.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Query
DisjunctionMaxQuery(Collection<Query> disjuncts, float tieBreakerMultiplier)
          Creates a new DisjunctionMaxQuery

Uses of Query in

Subclasses of Query in
 class CustomScoreQuery
          Query that sets document score as a programmatic function of several (sub) scores: the score of its subQuery (any query) (optional) the score of its ValueSourceQuery (or queries).
 class FieldScoreQuery
          A query that scores each document as the value of the numeric input field.
 class ValueSourceQuery
          Expert: A Query that sets the scores of document to the values obtained from a ValueSource.

Methods in that return Query
 Query CustomScoreQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query ValueSourceQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)

Constructors in with parameters of type Query
CustomScoreQuery(Query subQuery)
          Create a CustomScoreQuery over input subQuery.
CustomScoreQuery(Query subQuery, ValueSourceQuery... valSrcQueries)
          Create a CustomScoreQuery over input subQuery and a ValueSourceQuery.
CustomScoreQuery(Query subQuery, ValueSourceQuery valSrcQuery)
          Create a CustomScoreQuery over input subQuery and a ValueSourceQuery.

Uses of Query in

Subclasses of Query in
 class PayloadNearQuery
          This class is very similar to SpanNearQuery except that it factors in the value of the payloads located at each of the positions where the TermSpans occurs.
 class PayloadTermQuery
          This class is very similar to SpanTermQuery except that it factors in the value of the payload located at each of the positions where the Term occurs.

Methods in with parameters of type Query
 Collection<byte[]> PayloadSpanUtil.getPayloadsForQuery(Query query)
          Query should be rewritten for wild/fuzzy support.

Uses of Query in

Subclasses of Query in
 class FieldMaskingSpanQuery
          Wrapper to allow SpanQuery objects participate in composite single-field SpanQueries by 'lying' about their search field.
 class SpanFirstQuery
          Matches spans near the beginning of a field.
 class SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper<Q extends MultiTermQuery>
          Wraps any MultiTermQuery as a SpanQuery, so it can be nested within other SpanQuery classes.
 class SpanNearPayloadCheckQuery
          Only return those matches that have a specific payload at the given position.
 class SpanNearQuery
          Matches spans which are near one another.
 class SpanNotQuery
          Removes matches which overlap with another SpanQuery.
 class SpanOrQuery
          Matches the union of its clauses.
 class SpanPayloadCheckQuery
          Only return those matches that have a specific payload at the given position.
 class SpanPositionCheckQuery
 class SpanPositionRangeQuery
          Checks to see if the SpanPositionCheckQuery.getMatch() lies between a start and end position
 class SpanQuery
          Base class for span-based queries.
 class SpanTermQuery
          Matches spans containing a term.

Methods in that return Query
 Query SpanWeight.getQuery()
 Query SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query FieldMaskingSpanQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanNotQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanNearQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanOrQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanPositionCheckQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)

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