Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexInput Binary i/o API, used for all index data. 

Uses of IndexInput in

Subclasses of IndexInput in
 class BufferedIndexInput
          Base implementation class for buffered IndexInput.
 class ChecksumIndexInput
          Writes bytes through to a primary IndexOutput, computing checksum as it goes.
protected static class NIOFSDirectory.NIOFSIndexInput
protected static class SimpleFSDirectory.SimpleFSIndexInput

Methods in that return IndexInput
abstract  IndexInput Directory.openInput(String name)
          Returns a stream reading an existing file.
 IndexInput FSDirectory.openInput(String name)
 IndexInput RAMDirectory.openInput(String name)
          Returns a stream reading an existing file.
 IndexInput FileSwitchDirectory.openInput(String name)
 IndexInput Directory.openInput(String name, int bufferSize)
          Returns a stream reading an existing file, with the specified read buffer size.
 IndexInput SimpleFSDirectory.openInput(String name, int bufferSize)
          Creates an IndexInput for the file with the given name.
 IndexInput MMapDirectory.openInput(String name, int bufferSize)
          Creates an IndexInput for the file with the given name.
 IndexInput NIOFSDirectory.openInput(String name, int bufferSize)
          Creates an IndexInput for the file with the given name.

Methods in with parameters of type IndexInput
 void IndexOutput.copyBytes(IndexInput input, long numBytes)
          Copy numBytes bytes from input to ourself.
 void RAMOutputStream.copyBytes(IndexInput input, long numBytes)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexInput
ChecksumIndexInput(IndexInput main)

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