Class MergePolicy

  extended by org.apache.lucene.index.MergePolicy
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
LogMergePolicy, NoMergePolicy

public abstract class MergePolicy
extends Object
implements Closeable

Expert: a MergePolicy determines the sequence of primitive merge operations to be used for overall merge and optimize operations.

Whenever the segments in an index have been altered by IndexWriter, either the addition of a newly flushed segment, addition of many segments from addIndexes* calls, or a previous merge that may now need to cascade, IndexWriter invokes findMerges(org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos) to give the MergePolicy a chance to pick merges that are now required. This method returns a MergePolicy.MergeSpecification instance describing the set of merges that should be done, or null if no merges are necessary. When IndexWriter.optimize is called, it calls findMergesForOptimize(org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos, int, java.util.Set) and the MergePolicy should then return the necessary merges.

Note that the policy can return more than one merge at a time. In this case, if the writer is using SerialMergeScheduler, the merges will be run sequentially but if it is using ConcurrentMergeScheduler they will be run concurrently.

The default MergePolicy is LogByteSizeMergePolicy.

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

Nested Class Summary
static class MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException
static class MergePolicy.MergeException
          Exception thrown if there are any problems while executing a merge.
static class MergePolicy.MergeSpecification
          A MergeSpecification instance provides the information necessary to perform multiple merges.
static class MergePolicy.OneMerge
          OneMerge provides the information necessary to perform an individual primitive merge operation, resulting in a single new segment.
Field Summary
protected  SetOnce<IndexWriter> writer
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new merge policy instance.
Method Summary
abstract  void close()
          Release all resources for the policy.
abstract  MergePolicy.MergeSpecification findMerges(SegmentInfos segmentInfos)
          Determine what set of merge operations are now necessary on the index.
abstract  MergePolicy.MergeSpecification findMergesForOptimize(SegmentInfos segmentInfos, int maxSegmentCount, Set<SegmentInfo> segmentsToOptimize)
          Determine what set of merge operations is necessary in order to optimize the index.
abstract  MergePolicy.MergeSpecification findMergesToExpungeDeletes(SegmentInfos segmentInfos)
          Determine what set of merge operations is necessary in order to expunge all deletes from the index.
 void setIndexWriter(IndexWriter writer)
          Sets the IndexWriter to use by this merge policy.
abstract  boolean useCompoundFile(SegmentInfos segments, SegmentInfo newSegment)
          Returns true if a new segment (regardless of its origin) should use the compound file format.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final SetOnce<IndexWriter> writer
Constructor Detail


public MergePolicy()
Creates a new merge policy instance. Note that if you intend to use it without passing it to IndexWriter, you should call setIndexWriter(IndexWriter).

Method Detail


public void setIndexWriter(IndexWriter writer)
Sets the IndexWriter to use by this merge policy. This method is allowed to be called only once, and is usually set by IndexWriter. If it is called more than once, SetOnce.AlreadySetException is thrown.

See Also:


public abstract MergePolicy.MergeSpecification findMerges(SegmentInfos segmentInfos)
                                                   throws CorruptIndexException,
Determine what set of merge operations are now necessary on the index. IndexWriter calls this whenever there is a change to the segments. This call is always synchronized on the IndexWriter instance so only one thread at a time will call this method.

segmentInfos - the total set of segments in the index


public abstract MergePolicy.MergeSpecification findMergesForOptimize(SegmentInfos segmentInfos,
                                                                     int maxSegmentCount,
                                                                     Set<SegmentInfo> segmentsToOptimize)
                                                              throws CorruptIndexException,
Determine what set of merge operations is necessary in order to optimize the index. IndexWriter calls this when its IndexWriter.optimize() method is called. This call is always synchronized on the IndexWriter instance so only one thread at a time will call this method.

segmentInfos - the total set of segments in the index
maxSegmentCount - requested maximum number of segments in the index (currently this is always 1)
segmentsToOptimize - contains the specific SegmentInfo instances that must be merged away. This may be a subset of all SegmentInfos.


public abstract MergePolicy.MergeSpecification findMergesToExpungeDeletes(SegmentInfos segmentInfos)
                                                                   throws CorruptIndexException,
Determine what set of merge operations is necessary in order to expunge all deletes from the index.

segmentInfos - the total set of segments in the index


public abstract void close()
Release all resources for the policy.

Specified by:
close in interface Closeable


public abstract boolean useCompoundFile(SegmentInfos segments,
                                        SegmentInfo newSegment)
                                 throws IOException
Returns true if a new segment (regardless of its origin) should use the compound file format.


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