Uses of Class

Packages that use AttributeImpl
org.apache.lucene.analysis API and code to convert text into indexable/searchable tokens. 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config Standard Lucene Query Configuration 
org.apache.lucene.util Some utility classes. 

Uses of AttributeImpl in org.apache.lucene.analysis

Subclasses of AttributeImpl in org.apache.lucene.analysis
 class Token
          A Token is an occurrence of a term from the text of a field.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis with parameters of type AttributeImpl
 void Token.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)

Uses of AttributeImpl in org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes

Subclasses of AttributeImpl in org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes
 class FlagsAttributeImpl
          This attribute can be used to pass different flags down the tokenizer chain, eg from one TokenFilter to another one.
 class OffsetAttributeImpl
          The start and end character offset of a Token.
 class PayloadAttributeImpl
          The payload of a Token.
 class PositionIncrementAttributeImpl
          The positionIncrement determines the position of this token relative to the previous Token in a TokenStream, used in phrase searching.
 class TermAttributeImpl
          The term text of a Token.
 class TypeAttributeImpl
          A Token's lexical type.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes with parameters of type AttributeImpl
 void TypeAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void TermAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void PositionIncrementAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void PayloadAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void OffsetAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void FlagsAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)

Uses of AttributeImpl in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config

Subclasses of AttributeImpl in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config
 class AllowLeadingWildcardAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by AllowLeadingWildcardProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class AnalyzerAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by AnalyzerQueryNodeProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class BoostAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by MultiFieldQueryNodeProcessor processor and it should be defined in a FieldConfig.
 class DateResolutionAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by ParametricRangeQueryNodeProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class DefaultOperatorAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by GroupQueryNodeProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class DefaultPhraseSlopAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by PhraseSlopQueryNodeProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class FieldBoostMapAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by MultiFieldQueryNodeProcessor processor and it should be defined in a FieldConfig.
 class FieldDateResolutionMapAttributeImpl
          This attribute enables the user to define a default DateResolution per field.
 class FuzzyAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by PhraseSlopQueryNodeProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class LocaleAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by processor ParametricRangeQueryNodeProcessor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class LowercaseExpandedTermsAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by processor ParametricRangeQueryNodeProcessor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class MultiFieldAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by MultiFieldQueryNodeProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class MultiTermRewriteMethodAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by ParametricRangeQueryNodeProcessor processor and should be defined in the QueryConfigHandler used by this processor.
 class PositionIncrementsAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by AnalyzerQueryNodeProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.
 class RangeCollatorAttributeImpl
          This attribute is used by ParametricRangeQueryNodeProcessor processor and must be defined in the QueryConfigHandler.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config with parameters of type AttributeImpl
 void FuzzyAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void BoostAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void MultiTermRewriteMethodAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void AnalyzerAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void AllowLeadingWildcardAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void FieldDateResolutionMapAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void DateResolutionAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void LocaleAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void PositionIncrementsAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void FieldBoostMapAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void DefaultPhraseSlopAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void LowercaseExpandedTermsAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void DefaultOperatorAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void MultiFieldAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
 void RangeCollatorAttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)

Uses of AttributeImpl in org.apache.lucene.util

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util that return AttributeImpl
abstract  AttributeImpl AttributeSource.AttributeFactory.createAttributeInstance(Class attClass)
          returns an AttributeImpl for the supplied Attribute interface class.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type AttributeImpl
 void AttributeSource.addAttributeImpl(AttributeImpl att)
          Adds a custom AttributeImpl instance with one or more Attribute interfaces.
abstract  void AttributeImpl.copyTo(AttributeImpl target)
          Copies the values from this Attribute into the passed-in target attribute.

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