Class LegacyDoubleField

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class LegacyDoubleField
    extends LegacyField
    Please use DoublePoint instead

    Field that indexes double values for efficient range filtering and sorting. Here's an example usage:

     document.add(new LegacyDoubleField(name, 6.0, Field.Store.NO));
    For optimal performance, re-use the LegacyDoubleField and Document instance for more than one document:
      LegacyDoubleField field = new LegacyDoubleField(name, 0.0, Field.Store.NO);
      Document document = new Document();
      for(all documents) {
    See also LegacyIntField, LegacyLongField, LegacyFloatField.

    To perform range querying or filtering against a LegacyDoubleField, use LegacyNumericRangeQuery. To sort according to a LegacyDoubleField, use the normal numeric sort types, eg SortField.Type.DOUBLE. LegacyDoubleField values can also be loaded directly from LeafReader.getNumericDocValues(java.lang.String).

    You may add the same field name as an LegacyDoubleField to the same document more than once. Range querying and filtering will be the logical OR of all values; so a range query will hit all documents that have at least one value in the range. However sort behavior is not defined. If you need to sort, you should separately index a single-valued LegacyDoubleField.

    A LegacyDoubleField will consume somewhat more disk space in the index than an ordinary single-valued field. However, for a typical index that includes substantial textual content per document, this increase will likely be in the noise.

    Within Lucene, each numeric value is indexed as a trie structure, where each term is logically assigned to larger and larger pre-defined brackets (which are simply lower-precision representations of the value). The step size between each successive bracket is called the precisionStep, measured in bits. Smaller precisionStep values result in larger number of brackets, which consumes more disk space in the index but may result in faster range search performance. The default value, 16, was selected for a reasonable tradeoff of disk space consumption versus performance. You can create a custom LegacyFieldType and invoke the LegacyFieldType.setNumericPrecisionStep(int) method if you'd like to change the value. Note that you must also specify a congruent value when creating LegacyNumericRangeQuery. For low cardinality fields larger precision steps are good. If the cardinality is < 100, it is fair to use Integer.MAX_VALUE, which produces one term per value.

    For more information on the internals of numeric trie indexing, including the precisionStep configuration, see LegacyNumericRangeQuery. The format of indexed values is described in LegacyNumericUtils.

    If you only need to sort by numeric value, and never run range querying/filtering, you can index using a precisionStep of Integer.MAX_VALUE. This will minimize disk space consumed.

    More advanced users can instead use LegacyNumericTokenStream directly, when indexing numbers. This class is a wrapper around this token stream type for easier, more intuitive usage.

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.lucene.document.Field

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static LegacyFieldType TYPE_NOT_STORED
      Type for a LegacyDoubleField that is not stored: normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.
      static LegacyFieldType TYPE_STORED
      Type for a stored LegacyDoubleField: normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.
      • Fields inherited from class org.apache.lucene.document.Field

        fieldsData, name, tokenStream, type
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.lucene.document.Field

        binaryValue, fieldType, getCharSequenceValue, name, numericValue, readerValue, setBytesValue, setBytesValue, setByteValue, setDoubleValue, setFloatValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setReaderValue, setShortValue, setStringValue, stringValue, tokenStreamValue, toString
    • Field Detail


        public static final LegacyFieldType TYPE_NOT_STORED
        Type for a LegacyDoubleField that is not stored: normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.

        public static final LegacyFieldType TYPE_STORED
        Type for a stored LegacyDoubleField: normalization factors, frequencies, and positions are omitted.