Class ParseDateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    NamedListInitializedPlugin, SolrCoreAware

    public class ParseDateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
    extends FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory

    Attempts to mutate selected fields that have only CharSequence-typed values into Date values. Solr will continue to index date/times in the UTC time zone, but the input date/times may be expressed using other time zones, and will be converted to an unambiguous Date when they are mutated.

    The default selection behavior is to mutate both those fields that don't match a schema field, as well as those fields that match a schema field with a date field type.

    If all values are parseable as dates (or are already Date), then the field will be mutated, replacing each value with its parsed Date equivalent; otherwise, no mutation will occur.

    One or more date "format" specifiers must be specified. See Java 8's DateTimeFormatter javadocs for a description of format strings. Note that "lenient" and case insensitivity is enabled. Furthermore, inputs surrounded in single quotes will be removed if found.

    A default time zone name or offset may optionally be specified for those dates that don't include an explicit zone/offset. NOTE: three-letter zone designations like "EST" are not parseable (with the single exception of "UTC"), because they are ambiguous. If no default time zone is specified, UTC will be used. See Wikipedia's list of TZ database time zone names.

    The locale to use when parsing field values using the specified formats may optionally be specified. If no locale is configured, then en_US will be used since it's implied by some well-known formats. Recent versions of Java have become sensitive to this. The following configuration specifies the French/France locale and two date formats that will parse the strings "le mardi 8 janvier 2013" and "le 28 déc. 2010 à 15 h 30", respectively. Note that either individual <str> elements or <arr>-s of <str> elements may be used to specify the date format(s):

     <processor class="solr.ParseDateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory">
       <str name="defaultTimeZone">Europe/Paris</str>
       <str name="locale">fr_FR</str>
       <arr name="format">
         <str>'le' EEEE dd MMMM yyyy</str>
         <str>'le' dd MMM. yyyy 'à' HH 'h' mm</str>

    See Locale for a description of acceptable language, country (optional) and variant (optional) values, joined with underscore(s).

    Tip: you can use multiple instances of this URP in your chain with different locales or default time zones if you wish to vary those settings for different format patterns.
