Class ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableFilterAtomicReader

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExitableFilterAtomicReader

        public ExitableFilterAtomicReader​(LeafReader in,
                                          QueryTimeout queryTimeout)
        Constructor *
    • Method Detail

      • getReaderCacheHelper

        public IndexReader.CacheHelper getReaderCacheHelper()
        Description copied from class: IndexReader
        Optional method: Return a IndexReader.CacheHelper that can be used to cache based on the content of this reader. Two readers that have different data or different sets of deleted documents will be considered different.

        A return value of null indicates that this reader is not suited for caching, which is typically the case for short-lived wrappers that alter the content of the wrapped reader.

        Specified by:
        getReaderCacheHelper in class IndexReader
      • getCoreCacheHelper

        public IndexReader.CacheHelper getCoreCacheHelper()
        Description copied from class: LeafReader
        Optional method: Return a IndexReader.CacheHelper that can be used to cache based on the content of this leaf regardless of deletions. Two readers that have the same data but different sets of deleted documents or doc values updates may be considered equal. Consider using IndexReader.getReaderCacheHelper() if you need deletions or dv updates to be taken into account.

        A return value of null indicates that this reader is not suited for caching, which is typically the case for short-lived wrappers that alter the content of the wrapped leaf reader.

        Specified by:
        getCoreCacheHelper in class LeafReader
      • searchNearestVectors

        public void searchNearestVectors​(String field,
                                         float[] target,
                                         KnnCollector knnCollector,
                                         Bits acceptDocs)
                                  throws IOException
        Description copied from class: LeafReader
        Return the k nearest neighbor documents as determined by comparison of their vector values for this field, to the given vector, by the field's similarity function. The score of each document is derived from the vector similarity in a way that ensures scores are positive and that a larger score corresponds to a higher ranking.

        The search is allowed to be approximate, meaning the results are not guaranteed to be the true k closest neighbors. For large values of k (for example when k is close to the total number of documents), the search may also retrieve fewer than k documents.

        The returned TopDocs will contain a ScoreDoc for each nearest neighbor, in order of their similarity to the query vector (decreasing scores). The TotalHits contains the number of documents visited during the search. If the search stopped early because it hit visitedLimit, it is indicated through the relation TotalHits.Relation.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO.

        The behavior is undefined if the given field doesn't have KNN vectors enabled on its FieldInfo. The return value is never null.

        searchNearestVectors in class FilterLeafReader
        field - the vector field to search
        target - the vector-valued query
        knnCollector - collector with settings for gathering the vector results.
        acceptDocs - Bits that represents the allowed documents to match, or null if they are all allowed to match.
      • searchNearestVectors

        public void searchNearestVectors​(String field,
                                         byte[] target,
                                         KnnCollector knnCollector,
                                         Bits acceptDocs)
                                  throws IOException
        Description copied from class: LeafReader
        Return the k nearest neighbor documents as determined by comparison of their vector values for this field, to the given vector, by the field's similarity function. The score of each document is derived from the vector similarity in a way that ensures scores are positive and that a larger score corresponds to a higher ranking.

        The search is allowed to be approximate, meaning the results are not guaranteed to be the true k closest neighbors. For large values of k (for example when k is close to the total number of documents), the search may also retrieve fewer than k documents.

        The returned TopDocs will contain a ScoreDoc for each nearest neighbor, in order of their similarity to the query vector (decreasing scores). The TotalHits contains the number of documents visited during the search. If the search stopped early because it hit visitedLimit, it is indicated through the relation TotalHits.Relation.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO.

        The behavior is undefined if the given field doesn't have KNN vectors enabled on its FieldInfo. The return value is never null.

        searchNearestVectors in class FilterLeafReader
        field - the vector field to search
        target - the vector-valued query
        knnCollector - collector with settings for gathering the vector results.
        acceptDocs - Bits that represents the allowed documents to match, or null if they are all allowed to match.