Class MurmurHash64

  • public class MurmurHash64
    extends HashFunction
    This is a very fast, non-cryptographic hash suitable for general hash-based lookup. See for more details.

    The code from Apache Commons was adapted in the form here to work with BytesRefs with offsets and lengths rather than raw byte arrays.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MurmurHash64

        public MurmurHash64()
    • Method Detail

      • hash64

        public static long hash64​(byte[] data,
                                  int seed,
                                  int offset,
                                  int length)
        Generates a 64-bit hash from byte array of the given length and seed.
        data - The input byte array
        seed - The initial seed value
        length - The length of the array
        The 64-bit hash of the given array
      • hash

        public final long hash​(BytesRef br)
        Description copied from class: HashFunction
        Hashes the contents of the referenced bytes
        Specified by:
        hash in class HashFunction
        br - the data to be hashed
        the hash of the bytes referenced by bytes.offset and length bytes.length