Class Lucene95Codec

    • Constructor Detail

      • Lucene95Codec

        public Lucene95Codec()
        Instantiates a new codec.
      • Lucene95Codec

        public Lucene95Codec​(Lucene95Codec.Mode mode)
        Instantiates a new codec, specifying the stored fields compression mode to use.
        mode - stored fields compression mode to use for newly flushed/merged segments.
    • Method Detail

      • getPostingsFormatForField

        public PostingsFormat getPostingsFormatForField​(String field)
        Returns the postings format that should be used for writing new segments of field.

        The default implementation always returns "Lucene90".

        WARNING: if you subclass, you are responsible for index backwards compatibility: future version of Lucene are only guaranteed to be able to read the default implementation,

      • getDocValuesFormatForField

        public DocValuesFormat getDocValuesFormatForField​(String field)
        Returns the docvalues format that should be used for writing new segments of field .

        The default implementation always returns "Lucene90".

        WARNING: if you subclass, you are responsible for index backwards compatibility: future version of Lucene are only guaranteed to be able to read the default implementation.

      • getKnnVectorsFormatForField

        public KnnVectorsFormat getKnnVectorsFormatForField​(String field)
        Returns the vectors format that should be used for writing new segments of field

        The default implementation always returns "Lucene95".

        WARNING: if you subclass, you are responsible for index backwards compatibility: future version of Lucene are only guaranteed to be able to read the default implementation.