Class HandleLimitFS

public class HandleLimitFS extends HandleTrackingFS
FileSystem that throws exception if file handles in use exceeds a specified limit.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HandleLimitFS

      public HandleLimitFS(FileSystem delegate, int limit)
      Create a new instance, limiting the maximum number of open files to limit
      delegate - delegate filesystem to wrap.
      limit - maximum number of open files.
  • Method Details

    • onOpen

      protected void onOpen(Path path, Object stream) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: HandleTrackingFS
      Called when path is opened via stream.
      Specified by:
      onOpen in class HandleTrackingFS
      path - Path that was opened
      stream - Stream or Channel opened against the path.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
    • onClose

      protected void onClose(Path path, Object stream) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: HandleTrackingFS
      Called when path is closed via stream.
      Specified by:
      onClose in class HandleTrackingFS
      path - Path that was closed
      stream - Stream or Channel closed against the path.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs.