Class FloatRangeDocValuesField

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FloatRangeDocValuesField extends BinaryDocValuesField
DocValues field for FloatRange. This is a single valued field per document due to being an extension of BinaryDocValuesField.
  • Constructor Details

    • FloatRangeDocValuesField

      public FloatRangeDocValuesField(String field, float[] min, float[] max)
      Sole constructor.
  • Method Details

    • getMin

      public float getMin(int dimension)
      Get the minimum value for the given dimension.
    • getMax

      public float getMax(int dimension)
      Get the maximum value for the given dimension.
    • newSlowIntersectsQuery

      public static Query newSlowIntersectsQuery(String field, float[] min, float[] max)
      Create a new range query that finds all ranges that intersect using doc values. NOTE: This doesn't leverage indexing and may be slow.
      See Also: