All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
CompressionMode |
A compression mode.
Compressor |
A data compressor.
Decompressor |
A decompressor.
DeflateWithPresetDictCompressionMode |
A compression mode that trades speed for compression ratio.
EndiannessReverserUtil |
Utility class to wrap open files
FieldReader |
BlockTree's implementation of Terms .
ForDeltaUtil |
Utility class to encode/decode increasing sequences of 128 integers.
LegacyDirectMonotonicReader |
LegacyDirectMonotonicReader.Meta |
LegacyDirectMonotonicWriter |
Write monotonically-increasing sequences of integers.
LegacyDirectReader |
LegacyDirectWriter |
Class for writing packed integers to be directly read from Directory.
LegacyPackedInts |
Legacy PackedInts operations.
Lucene40BlockTreeTermsReader |
A block-based terms index and dictionary that assigns terms to variable length blocks according
to how they share prefixes.
Lucene50CompoundFormat |
Lucene 5.0 compound file format
Lucene50CompressingStoredFieldsFormat |
A StoredFieldsFormat that compresses documents in chunks in order to improve the
compression ratio.
Lucene50CompressingStoredFieldsReader |
Lucene50CompressingTermVectorsFormat |
A TermVectorsFormat that compresses chunks of documents together in order to improve the
compression ratio.
Lucene50CompressingTermVectorsReader |
Lucene50LiveDocsFormat |
Lucene 5.0 live docs format
Lucene50PostingsFormat |
Lucene 5.0 postings format, which encodes postings in packed integer blocks for fast decode.
Lucene50PostingsFormat.IntBlockTermState |
Lucene50PostingsReader |
Concrete class that reads docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list with postings format.
Lucene50StoredFieldsFormat |
Lucene 5.0 stored fields format.
Lucene50StoredFieldsFormat.Mode |
Configuration option for stored fields.
Lucene50TermVectorsFormat |
Lucene60FieldInfosFormat |
Lucene 6.0 Field Infos format.
Lucene60PointsFormat |
Lucene 6.0 point format, which encodes dimensional values in a block KD-tree structure for fast
1D range and N dimensional shape intersection filtering.
Lucene60PointsReader |
Reads point values previously written with Lucene60PointsWriter
Lucene70Codec |
Implements the Lucene 7.0 index format, with configurable per-field postings and docvalues
Lucene70DocValuesFormat |
Lucene 7.0 DocValues format.
Lucene70NormsFormat |
Lucene 7.0 Score normalization format.
Lucene70SegmentInfoFormat |
Lucene 7.0 Segment info format.
Lucene80Codec |
Implements the Lucene 8.0 index format.
Lucene80DocValuesFormat |
Lucene 8.0 DocValues format.
Lucene80DocValuesFormat.Mode |
Configuration option for doc values.
Lucene80NormsFormat |
Lucene 8.0 Score normalization format.
Lucene84Codec |
Implements the Lucene 8.4 index format, with configurable per-field postings and docvalues
Lucene84PostingsFormat |
Lucene 5.0 postings format, which encodes postings in packed integer blocks for fast decode.
Lucene84PostingsFormat.IntBlockTermState |
Lucene84PostingsReader |
Concrete class that reads docId(maybe frq,pos,offset,payloads) list with postings format.
Lucene86Codec |
Implements the Lucene 8.6 index format, with configurable per-field postings and docvalues
Lucene86PointsFormat |
Lucene 8.6 point format, which encodes dimensional values in a block KD-tree structure for fast
1D range and N dimensional shape intersection filtering.
Lucene86PointsReader |
Reads point values previously written with Lucene86PointsWriter
Lucene86SegmentInfoFormat |
Lucene 8.6 Segment info format.
Lucene87Codec |
Implements the Lucene 8.6 index format, with configurable per-field postings and docvalues
Lucene87Codec.Mode |
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene87StoredFieldsFormat |
Lucene 8.7 stored fields format.
Lucene87StoredFieldsFormat.Mode |
Configuration option for stored fields.
Lucene90BoundsChecker |
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set bound value
with a new value.
Lucene90BoundsChecker.Max |
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set maximum value
with a new value.
Lucene90BoundsChecker.Min |
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set minimum value
with a new value.
Lucene90Codec |
Implements the Lucene 9.0 index format
Lucene90Codec.Mode |
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene90FieldInfosFormat |
Lucene 9.0 Field Infos format.
Lucene90HnswGraphBuilder |
Builder for HNSW graph.
Lucene90HnswVectorsFormat |
Lucene 9.0 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph
connecting the documents having values.
Lucene90HnswVectorsReader |
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
Lucene90NeighborArray |
NeighborArray encodes the neighbors of a node and their mutual scores in the HNSW graph as a pair
of growable arrays.
Lucene90OnHeapHnswGraph |
An HnswGraph where all nodes and connections are held in memory.
Lucene91BoundsChecker |
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set bound value
with a new value.
Lucene91BoundsChecker.Max |
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set maximum value
with a new value.
Lucene91BoundsChecker.Min |
A helper class for an hnsw graph that serves as a comparator of the currently set minimum value
with a new value.
Lucene91Codec |
Implements the Lucene 9.1 index format
Lucene91Codec.Mode |
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene91HnswVectorsFormat |
Lucene 9.1 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph
connecting the documents having values.
Lucene91HnswVectorsReader |
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
Lucene91NeighborArray |
NeighborArray encodes the neighbors of a node and their mutual scores in the HNSW graph as a pair
of growable arrays.
Lucene91OnHeapHnswGraph |
An HnswGraph where all nodes and connections are held in memory.
Lucene92Codec |
Implements the Lucene 9.2 index format
Lucene92Codec.Mode |
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene92HnswVectorsFormat |
Lucene 9.2 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph
connecting the documents having values.
Lucene92HnswVectorsReader |
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
Lucene94Codec |
Implements the Lucene 9.4 index format
Lucene94Codec.Mode |
Configuration option for the codec.
Lucene94HnswVectorsFormat |
Lucene 9.4 vector format, which encodes numeric vector values and an optional associated graph
connecting the documents having values.
Lucene94HnswVectorsReader |
Reads vectors from the index segments along with index data structures supporting KNN search.
LZ4WithPresetDictCompressionMode |
A compression mode that compromises on the compression ratio to provide fast compression and
MatchingReaders |
Computes which segments have identical field name to number mappings, which allows stored fields
and term vectors in this codec to be bulk-merged.
PForUtil |
Utility class to encode sequences of 128 small positive integers.
Placeholder |
Remove this file when adding back compat codecs
Stats |