Class VectorUtil

  • public final class VectorUtil
    extends Object
    Utilities for computations with numeric arrays
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void add​(float[] u, float[] v)
      Adds the second argument to the first
      static float[] checkFinite​(float[] v)
      Checks if a float vector only has finite components.
      static float cosine​(byte[] a, byte[] b)
      Returns the cosine similarity between the two vectors.
      static float cosine​(float[] a, float[] b)
      Returns the cosine similarity between the two vectors.
      static int dotProduct​(byte[] a, byte[] b)
      Dot product computed over signed bytes.
      static float dotProduct​(float[] a, float[] b)
      Returns the vector dot product of the two vectors.
      static float dotProductScore​(byte[] a, byte[] b)
      Dot product score computed over signed bytes, scaled to be in [0, 1].
      static float[] l2normalize​(float[] v)
      Modifies the argument to be unit length, dividing by its l2-norm.
      static float[] l2normalize​(float[] v, boolean throwOnZero)
      Modifies the argument to be unit length, dividing by its l2-norm.
      static int squareDistance​(byte[] a, byte[] b)
      Returns the sum of squared differences of the two vectors.
      static float squareDistance​(float[] a, float[] b)
      Returns the sum of squared differences of the two vectors.
    • Method Detail

      • dotProduct

        public static float dotProduct​(float[] a,
                                       float[] b)
        Returns the vector dot product of the two vectors.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the vectors' dimensions differ.
      • cosine

        public static float cosine​(float[] a,
                                   float[] b)
        Returns the cosine similarity between the two vectors.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the vectors' dimensions differ.
      • cosine

        public static float cosine​(byte[] a,
                                   byte[] b)
        Returns the cosine similarity between the two vectors.
      • squareDistance

        public static float squareDistance​(float[] a,
                                           float[] b)
        Returns the sum of squared differences of the two vectors.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the vectors' dimensions differ.
      • squareDistance

        public static int squareDistance​(byte[] a,
                                         byte[] b)
        Returns the sum of squared differences of the two vectors.
      • l2normalize

        public static float[] l2normalize​(float[] v)
        Modifies the argument to be unit length, dividing by its l2-norm. IllegalArgumentException is thrown for zero vectors.
        the input array after normalization
      • l2normalize

        public static float[] l2normalize​(float[] v,
                                          boolean throwOnZero)
        Modifies the argument to be unit length, dividing by its l2-norm.
        v - the vector to normalize
        throwOnZero - whether to throw an exception when v has all zeros
        the input array after normalization
        IllegalArgumentException - when the vector is all zero and throwOnZero is true
      • add

        public static void add​(float[] u,
                               float[] v)
        Adds the second argument to the first
        u - the destination
        v - the vector to add to the destination
      • dotProduct

        public static int dotProduct​(byte[] a,
                                     byte[] b)
        Dot product computed over signed bytes.
        a - bytes containing a vector
        b - bytes containing another vector, of the same dimension
        the value of the dot product of the two vectors
      • dotProductScore

        public static float dotProductScore​(byte[] a,
                                            byte[] b)
        Dot product score computed over signed bytes, scaled to be in [0, 1].
        a - bytes containing a vector
        b - bytes containing another vector, of the same dimension
        the value of the similarity function applied to the two vectors
      • checkFinite

        public static float[] checkFinite​(float[] v)
        Checks if a float vector only has finite components.
        v - bytes containing a vector
        the vector for call-chaining
        IllegalArgumentException - if any component of vector is not finite