Class DictEntry

  • public abstract class DictEntry
    extends Object
    An object representing *.dic file entry with its word, flags and morphological data.
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getStem

        public String getStem()
        the stem word in the dictionary
      • getFlags

        public abstract String getFlags()
        the flags associated with the dictionary entry, encoded in the same format as in the *.dic file, but possibly in a different order
      • getMorphologicalData

        public abstract String getMorphologicalData()
        morphological fields (of kk:vvvvvv form, sorted, space-separated, excluding ph:) associated with the homonym at the given entry index, or an empty string
      • getMorphologicalValues

        public List<String> getMorphologicalValues​(String key)
        key - the key in the form kk: by which to filter the morphological fields
        the values (of vvvvvv form) of morphological fields with the given key associated with the homonym at the given entry index