Class LZ4

  • public final class LZ4
    extends Object
    LZ4 compression and decompression routines.

    The high-compression option is a simpler version of the one of the original algorithm, and only retains a better hash table that remembers about more occurrences of a previous 4-bytes sequence, and removes all the logic about handling of the case when overlapping matches are found.

    • Method Detail

      • decompress

        public static int decompress​(DataInput compressed,
                                     int decompressedLen,
                                     byte[] dest,
                                     int dOff)
                              throws IOException
        Decompress at least decompressedLen bytes into dest[dOff:]. Please note that dest must be large enough to be able to hold all decompressed data (meaning that you need to know the total decompressed length). If the given bytes were compressed using a preset dictionary then the same dictionary must be provided in dest[dOff-dictLen:dOff].
      • compress

        public static void compress​(byte[] bytes,
                                    int off,
                                    int len,
                                    DataOutput out,
                                    org.apache.lucene.util.compress.LZ4.HashTable ht)
                             throws IOException
        Compress bytes[off:off+len] into out using at most 16kB of memory. ht shouldn't be shared across threads but can safely be reused.
      • compressWithDictionary

        public static void compressWithDictionary​(byte[] bytes,
                                                  int dictOff,
                                                  int dictLen,
                                                  int len,
                                                  DataOutput out,
                                                  org.apache.lucene.util.compress.LZ4.HashTable ht)
                                           throws IOException
        Compress bytes[dictOff+dictLen:dictOff+dictLen+len] into out using at most 16kB of memory. bytes[dictOff:dictOff+dictLen] will be used as a dictionary. dictLen must not be greater than 64kB, the maximum window size.

        ht shouldn't be shared across threads but can safely be reused.
