Class DoubleRange

  • public final class DoubleRange
    extends Range
    Represents a range over double values.
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Field Detail

      • min

        public final double min
        Minimum (inclusive).
      • max

        public final double max
        Maximum (inclusive.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DoubleRange

        public DoubleRange​(String label,
                           double minIn,
                           boolean minInclusive,
                           double maxIn,
                           boolean maxInclusive)
        Create a DoubleRange.
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public boolean accept​(double value)
        True if this range accepts the provided value.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getQuery

        public Query getQuery​(Query fastMatchQuery,
                              DoubleValuesSource valueSource)
        Create a Query that matches documents in this range

        The query will check all documents that match the provided match query, or every document in the index if the match query is null.

        If the value source is static, eg an indexed numeric field, it may be faster to use PointRangeQuery

        fastMatchQuery - a query to use as a filter
        valueSource - the source of values for the range check
      • getQuery

        public Query getQuery​(Query fastMatchQuery,
                              MultiDoubleValuesSource valueSource)
        Create a Query that matches documents in this range

        The query will check all documents that match the provided match query, or every document in the index if the match query is null.

        If the value source is static, eg an indexed numeric field, it may be faster to use PointRangeQuery

        fastMatchQuery - a query to use as a filter
        valueSource - the source of values for the range check