Class FacetCountsWithFilterQuery

    • Field Detail

      • fastMatchQuery

        protected final Query fastMatchQuery
        Optional: if specified, we first test this Query to see whether the document should be checked for matching ranges. If this is null, all documents are checked.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FacetCountsWithFilterQuery

        protected FacetCountsWithFilterQuery​(Query fastMatchQuery)
        Create FacetCounts
    • Method Detail

      • createIterator

        protected DocIdSetIterator createIterator​(FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs hits,
                                                  DocIdSetIterator... iterators)
                                           throws IOException
        Create a DocIdSetIterator from the provided hits that relies on fastMatchQuery if available for first-pass filtering. If iterators is not empty then all iterators are intersected. If any of the iterators is null, it indicates no documents will be matched by it, and therefore no documents will be matched overall. A null response indicates no documents will match.