Class PointValues

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class PointValues
    extends Object
    Access to indexed numeric values.

    Points represent numeric values and are indexed differently than ordinary text. Instead of an inverted index, points are indexed with datastructures such as KD-trees. These structures are optimized for operations such as range, distance, nearest-neighbor, and point-in-polygon queries.

    Basic Point Types

    Basic point types in Java and Lucene
    Java typeLucene class
    * in the lucene-sandbox jar

    Basic Lucene point types behave like their java peers: for example IntPoint represents a signed 32-bit Integer, supporting values ranging from Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE, ordered consistent with Integer.compareTo(Integer). In addition to indexing support, point classes also contain static methods (such as IntPoint.newRangeQuery(String, int, int)) for creating common queries. For example:

       // add year 1970 to document
       document.add(new IntPoint("year", 1970));
       // index document
       // issue range query of 1960-1980
       Query query = IntPoint.newRangeQuery("year", 1960, 1980);
       TopDocs docs =, ...);

    Geospatial Point Types

    Although basic point types such as DoublePoint support points in multi-dimensional space too, Lucene has specialized classes for location data. These classes are optimized for location data: they are more space-efficient and support special operations such as distance and polygon queries. There are currently two implementations:
    1. LatLonPoint: indexes (latitude,longitude) as (x,y) in two-dimensional space.
    2. Geo3DPoint* in lucene-spatial3d: indexes (latitude,longitude) as (x,y,z) in three-dimensional space.
    * does not support altitude, 3D here means "uses three dimensions under-the-hood"

    Advanced usage

    Custom structures can be created on top of single- or multi- dimensional basic types, on top of BinaryPoint for more flexibility, or via custom Field subclasses.
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.