Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector
Shapes implemented using 3D planar geometry.
  • Uses of Vector in org.apache.lucene.spatial3d.geom

    Modifier and Type
    This class represents a point on the surface of a sphere or ellipsoid.
    We know about three kinds of planes.
    Combination of a plane, and a sign value indicating what evaluation values are on the correct side of the plane.
    Modifier and Type
    protected static Vector
    Plane.modify(GeoPoint start, double transX, double transY, double transZ, double sinRA, double cosRA, double sinHA, double cosHA)
    Modify a point to produce a vector in translated/rotated space.
    Compute a normalized unit vector based on the current vector.
    Vector.rotateXY(double angle)
    Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-y by an angle.
    Vector.rotateXY(double sinAngle, double cosAngle)
    Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-y by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
    Vector.rotateXZ(double angle)
    Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-z by an angle.
    Vector.rotateXZ(double sinAngle, double cosAngle)
    Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-z by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
    Vector.rotateZY(double angle)
    Rotate vector counter-clockwise in z-y by an angle.
    Vector.rotateZY(double sinAngle, double cosAngle)
    Rotate vector counter-clockwise in z-y by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
    Vector.translate(double xOffset, double yOffset, double zOffset)
    Translate vector.
    Methods in org.apache.lucene.spatial3d.geom with parameters of type Vector
    Modifier and Type
    GeoPoint.arcDistance(Vector v)
    Compute an arc distance between two points.
    static SidedPlane
    SidedPlane.constructNormalizedPerpendicularSidedPlane(Vector insidePoint, Vector normalVector, Vector point1, Vector point2)
    Construct a sided plane from two points and a third normal vector.
    static SidedPlane
    SidedPlane.constructNormalizedThreePointSidedPlane(Vector insidePoint, Vector point1, Vector point2, Vector point3)
    Construct a sided plane from three points.
    static Plane
    Plane.constructNormalizedXPlane(Vector... planePoints)
    Construct the most accurate normalized plane through an y-z point and including the X axis.
    static Plane
    Plane.constructNormalizedYPlane(Vector... planePoints)
    Construct the most accurate normalized plane through an x-z point and including the Y axis.
    static Plane
    Plane.constructNormalizedZPlane(Vector... planePoints)
    Construct the most accurate normalized plane through an x-y point and including the Z axis.
    PlanetModel.createSurfacePoint(Vector vector)
    Compute a GeoPoint that's scaled to actually be on the planet surface.
    static boolean
    Evaluate the cross product of two vectors against a point.
    Vector.dotProduct(Vector v)
    Do a dot product.
    Plane.evaluate(Vector v)
    Evaluate the plane equation for a given point, as represented by a vector.
    Evaluate the plane equation for a given point, as represented by a vector.
    Compute whether two vectors are numerically identical.
    Vector.isParallel(Vector other)
    Compute whether two vectors are numerically identical.
    GeoBaseCompositeShape.isWithin(Vector point)
    GeoBaseDistanceShape.isWithin(Vector point)
    GeoBaseMembershipShape.isWithin(Vector point)
    default boolean
    Membership.isWithin(Vector point)
    Check if a point is within this shape.
    Compute the straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin.
    Compute the square of a straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin.
    Plane.normalDistance(Vector v, Membership... bounds)
    Compute normal distance from plane to a vector.
    Compute the normal (perpendicular) distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin.
    Compute normal distance squared from plane to a vector.
    Compute the square of the normal distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin.
    PlanetModel.pointOnSurface(Vector v)
    Check if point is on surface.
    PlanetModel.pointOutside(Vector v)
    Check if point is outside surface.
    protected static GeoPoint
    Plane.reverseModify(PlanetModel planetModel, Vector point, double transX, double transY, double transZ, double sinRA, double cosRA, double sinHA, double cosHA)
    Reverse modify a point to produce a GeoPoint in normal space.
    SidedPlane.strictlyWithin(Vector v)
    Check whether a point is strictly within a plane.
    Constructors in org.apache.lucene.spatial3d.geom with parameters of type Vector
    Plane(Vector v, double D)
    Construct a plane with a specific vector, and D offset from origin.
    Plane(Vector A, double BX, double BY, double BZ)
    Construct a plane through two points and origin.
    Construct a plane through two points and origin.
    SidedPlane(double pX, double pY, double pZ, Vector v, double D)
    Construct a sided plane with a normal vector and offset.
    SidedPlane(double pX, double pY, double pZ, Vector A, Vector B)
    Construct a sided plane from a pair of vectors describing points, and including origin, plus a point p which describes the side.
    SidedPlane(Vector p, boolean onSide, Vector A, Vector B)
    Construct a sided plane from a pair of vectors describing points, and including origin, plus a point p which describes the side.
    SidedPlane(Vector p, double x, double y)
    Construct a sided vertical plane from a point and specified x and y coordinates.
    SidedPlane(Vector p, double vX, double vY, double vZ, double D)
    Construct a sided plane with a normal vector and offset.
    SidedPlane(Vector p, PlanetModel planetModel, double sinLat)
    Construct a sided plane from a point and a Z coordinate.
    Construct a sided plane from a pair of vectors describing points, and including origin.
    SidedPlane(Vector p, Vector v, double D)
    Construct a sided plane with a normal vector and offset.
    SidedPlane(Vector p, Vector A, double BX, double BY, double BZ)
    Construct a sided plane from a pair of vectors describing points, and including origin, plus a point p which describes the side.
    Construct a sided plane from a pair of vectors describing points, and including origin, plus a point p which describes the side.
    Vector(Vector A, double BX, double BY, double BZ)
    Construct a vector that is perpendicular to two other (non-zero) vectors.
    Construct a vector that is perpendicular to two other (non-zero) vectors.